Not My Son as Well

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"I'm going to fight, Adar," Legolas repeated, sternly. "I am no longer a child. I do not need to be hidden behind these walls."

Thranduil sighed. Legolas was right. He was no longer a child. He had been training since he was a young boy and now was his time to fight for his home and his world. Thranduil was still reluctant, though. His father, Oropher, had just died in the fighting; Thranduil didn't want to lose his son as well. Despite all his doubts and worries, Thranduil nodded his consent.

"You may go with the next group," Thranduil relented.

"Thank you, Adar," Legolas acknowledged.

Legolas bowed and started to leave. But his father stopped him.


Legolas turned around and was trapped in his father's arms. Thranduil began to pray to the Valar.

"I have already buried my father in this war," he began. Please, Illuvatar, do not make me bury my son."

Legolas hugged back and kissed his father's cheek.

"Do not worry, Adar. I will return."

Legolas pulled away and turned to leave the room and prepare to leave. Thranduil watched him leave, his heart no less burdened.

"Please be safe, little leaf."

~Thank you.

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