One Winter's Eve

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        Snow. There was snow covering the Greenwood, and it fascinated Legolas. He ran through the gardens just enjoying the feeling of the snowflakes landing on his outstretched tongue. He stayed for most of the afternoon. By the time he was called in for supper, he was red in the face and the snow was frozen into his hair. Thranduil chuckled as his half-frozen son walked into the room. Elves didn't get sick or feel the cold, so he wasn't worried. But he made Legolas sit by the fire to thaw nonetheless. When they sat at the table to eat, Legolas began telling his father all about the snow.

        "It's so MAGICAL, Ada. It sparkles in the light and is frozen until it touches you and then it melts onto your skin. It tastes just like water, but it's colder and refreshing. It's so much fun to go out and jump into the drifts and burrow into them like a rabbit..." Legolas rambled.

        He rambled on and on until Thranduil stopped him and made him eat his supper. Later, Legolas was sitting by his window looking out at the snow covered gardens. He was so concentrated that he didn't notice when his father came up behind him.

        "Would you like to go outside, ion-nin?" Thranduil asked.

        Legolas jumped, but then smiled, "Yes, Ada. I would very much like to go outside again."

        Thranduil scooped Legolas up in his arms and carried the boy out into the gardens. They sat beneath a tree togther and watched the sow fall.

        All night long...

~Thank you

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