What's It Gonna Take?

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Lauren's POV

It's not surprising to say that i woke up the next day with a thumping headache and a hoarse throat, alcohol really does nothing for your hydration. Maybe i should stop drinking it like water, or maybe i should stop drinking period. Yeah, good one Jauregui, we all know that you'll go crawling back tomorrow or whenever you can catch a break which won't be often in the next couple of days since our schedule has been piling up. Ha, well would you look at that, my life is crumbling around me and i'm still thinking about work. Who am i kidding? I always put everything else before my own well being, why do you think I've put with... everything for so damn long? I'm telling you right now, compassion is a curse and caring too much in general just leaves you feeling empty at the end of the day which is just ironic. I didn't ask for this, any of it but then again i suppose no one really asks for their world to be turned upside down and torn into a million pieces. Let scattered pieces fall where they may, because in the end they're still the same. I may be broken but i'm still me, just a little lost and trying to find my way back.

What did i do last night? I know i went to a bar and i know that a may have had more than the recommended amount even when grieving, but most of last night was a blur. How did i even get back to the hotel? More importantly how did i let myself get brought back to the hotel? I swore i wouldn't come back here and yet here i am, and what the heck is- OH MY FUCK! CAMILA! HOLY SHIT! I thought i felt an immovable dead weight on my side, what the hell? When did this even happen? Is she the one that brought me back here? And why are we in bed together? I looked down just to make sure... What!? Don't judge me, i don't know what went on last night i mean i know i can be a smooth talker but after all the shit that has happened the last thing i expected was to find Camila next to me in bed of all things. For all i knew she got drunk too and we took it out on each other. Not that i would be against that or anything, i mean in the moment like damn, can you imagine how hot that would be? Our hands running feverishly only one another, touching in all the right places, moaning into each others mouths, memorizing each supple detail to memory... no you can't think like that right now or ever!!

And yet i'm still very curious as to how this happened, but then that would mean more conversation and other things that i really don't want to get into right now. Especially at... whatever god awful time it is right now. It's still dark outside and i can't find it in me to fall back to sleep. Why do humans need water? Why can't our basic needs just consist of oxygen and blinking? Why bring H20 into the equation? Sounds kind of pointless if you ask me. Plus, this is the first time this has happened, you know waking up beside Camila, which by the way is a heavenly sight. I mean i can't really see her face that much since she's buried into the side of my body, but she looks so peaceful, like all of her problems have just slipped away from her. Honestly i wish sleep came to me that easily, but i find myself tossing and turning thinking about something or other. I wish my mind would shut up but then i remember it probably has a point and i should dwell on that thing for a while which blossoms into a forest of other things and by then it's time to get out of bed again. Anyway, my point being is she a heavy sleeper or a light sleeper? I just need a sip of... anything and then i want to go back to sleep.

Either way the movement was happening and i tried to slip out of her embrace, only to find we were almost literally bound together. She has a death grip on my shirt and our legs are messily tangled somewhere at the bottom of the bed. I thought people usually rolled away from each other when they cuddle, but obviously that is not the case here. Normally i wouldn't complain but this was putting a serious strain on my escape plan. Please Camila i will do literally anything if you let me run right into that nice little room and have even a sip of that cool refreshing liquid. Also a shower would be pretty good too, and i definitely need to brush my teeth and maybe just down a whole packet of paracetamol to get me ready for the morning. It's also taken me until now to realize i'm still in my clothes and so is Camila, like i already knew we were dressed, but that would explain why i'm not as comfortable as i could be right now. I must have been really out of it. When i got drunk before, even if i couldn't be bothered to get in my PJ's i would literally just strip down into my underwear. At least that was something.

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