New Friendships

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Another day another studio session. I found myself lazily singing along to one of our songs, we've sung so many like it that i can't even remember what it's called - either way it's something about love and boys and blah bla blah bla blah... It had been two weeks since my chance encounter with Fourth Harmony, i was starting to lose hope that i would ever see them again. Not that they would want too, anyone who my group didn't like that got close to me where soon chased away. I was theirs and theirs only. Thankfully the session soon came to an end and i found myself sat with them in the cafeteria that looked strikingly similar to the ones in high school. Either way i let the pleasant nostalgic feeling wash over me as i stared blankly around the room while the girls rambled away to themselves. Then as if by some miracle and too my extreme delight i watched as four familiar faces walked to a table a few aisles away and sat down. After my weeks of waiting patiently and looking over my shoulder to catch a sight of them, here they were. I didn't know whether to try and get their attention or whether i could since my group would notice almost immediately. I sat in annoyed anticipation as i looked over at them every now and then, and unexpectedly caught Dinah's gaze who was sat facing me and pointed me out to the rest of the girls. They all waved and i smiled back subtly so as not to give it away.

Dinah furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. I nodded my own in the direction of the girls and she she silently realized why i couldn't do anything. Camila gestured for me to come over, but all i could do was shrug as i lent my chin on the palm of my hand.  I saw Normani move around abruptly as she asked around for something, then lift up a napkin. She'd written a message on it. 'Make up an excuse!' I nodded as she placed it back on the table.

'Err, i have to pee' i stated, not sure if they even took notice and walked quickly over to their table. I ran round to Dinahs side and took a seat next to Normani so Ally and Camila obstructed me from Catherine's view. 'Hey sorry, group pressure y'know?' i joked releasing a breath i didn't even know i was holding. 

'Actually no' Dinah quipped. 

'Must be nice' i sighed. 

'If you hate it so much, why do you let them push you around?' Ally asked sincerely. They all looked at me awaiting my response. I looked nervously over Camila's shoulder to make sure the girls weren't looking for me and turned my attention back to them.

'It's a long story' i stated.

'We've got time' Camila smiled. 

'To put it simply, they're blackmailing me' i informed them. I can't reveal too much. 

'With what?' Dinah asked. 

'Er Dinah, the whole point of blackmail is the person being blackmailed doesn't want people to know whatever it is' Normani explained.

'Well, yeah but we won't care. Whatever it is, it's not going to change our opinion of you' she reassured me. 'What could possibly be worth taking all of her crap?'

'Sorry D, can't tell ya' I apologized. I wasn't ready to come out, and right now i hated myself for not confessing it. 

'What if i bought you lunch?' she bribed.

'Dinah the food here is free' Camila laughed.

'Okay what if i took the time to go up and get your food for you' she quipped. 

'As much as i would greatly appreciate the sentiment, i still couldn't tell you. I'm sorry.' i replied apologetically. 

'What would be the repercussions of people finding out?' Camila asked. 

'Nice try, that's just asking the question from a different perspective. It would make it obvious and easy to guess' i analyzed. 

'Damn it, that works on most people' she smiled. 

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