Chapter 12 (Part 5)

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     As Oliver embraced Gregory, his heart pounded faster, a ballad of their affectionate connection. All negative thoughts that had once plagued his mind melted away, replaced by a comforting flame of delight. The sorrows of the past dissolved into nothingness as Oliver reached for the heavens, attempting to grasp onto its ankle. And in that ethereal touch, their hands met, reinforcing their grip and pulling Oliver from the sea of miseries he had once endured.

     Oliver tightens his hug, squeezing Gregory with all his might, finding solace as he buries his face in his lover's chest. He takes a deep breath and sighs in relief, letting the world slip away. As Oliver opens his eyes, his gaze lands upon Frederick, his adoptive father, who smiles warmly at them. A grin forms on Oliver's face, and he beams at Frederick.

     As Oliver's gaze lingers on Frederick's face, a memory begins to surface. At first, the message eludes him, causing his brows to furrow in concentration. Oliver's lips part slightly as he focuses, determined to retrieve the desired knowledge. Finally, the thought emerges, prompting a gasp and a tiny smile to grace his lips.

"Hey, Dad!" Oliver called out to Frederick, still cuddling with Gregory.

"Yes, son?" Frederick responded.

"I just remembered something," Oliver said, glancing into Gregory's dark brown eyes.

"Oh? What is it?" Frederick became curious.

"I almost forgot to tell you... we went to Axugaurrde!" Oliver said. "And guess what?"

"What happened?" Frederick's smile widened.

"We met the Queen of Auxgaurrde!" Oliver jumped.

"Oh? Is it true?" Frederick asked, his scepticism apparent as he glanced at Oliver's companions.

"It is true!" Sophia nodded

"Yes, it's totally true," Edgar said, supporting Sophia's statement.

"I can vouch for it, Dad," Gregory added, smiling at Frederick.

"Hard to believe," Frederick mused, his brows furrowing slightly as his head shook in disbelief. "But if you truly crossed paths with the queen, then... I'm sure you can describe her. So, tell me... what does her hair look like?"

Oliver's eyes glimmered with the memory as he took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Her hair," he described, "'s blonde."

Edgar's confusion deepened. "Wait, she's blonde? I could've sworn her hair was dark brown," he said.

"Huh?" Sarrah raised a brow.

"I mean- I'm blonde, but the queen's hair colour doesn't match mine," Edgar explained.

Sarrah leaned in, narrowing her eyes in contemplation. "Different shades of blonde exist, Ed..."

"Oh," Edgar muttered.

"I suppose she has dirty blonde hair, just like her father?" Frederick thought.

With Oliver's interest ignited, he couldn't resist asking, "Wait, so you've met her father before?"

Frederick grinned teasingly, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Care to take a guess?" he playfully challenged.

"Dad..." Oliver groaned, closing his eyes halfway through and placing his hands on his hips.

"Hehe," Frederick giggled.

"I guess you have met her father," Oliver thought. "Huh?"

"Yes," Frederick confirmed, his hands swaying animatedly as he began to share the information. "As a matter of fact, her father was none other than the previous King of Auxgaurrde, and he happened to be my political enemy."


"A political rival," Frederick straightened his posture and brushed his shoulder. He then continued. "You see, it was her father, the King, who instigated the war between Asbranne and Auxgaurrde in the seventeen-hundreds. I stood against it, becoming his political adversary and the first mayor to govern Asbranne independently."

"Ohh..." Oliver responded, his voice calm and composed, absorbing the weight of Frederick's revelation.

"I consider myself fortunate that I didn't have my head chopped off," Frederick confessed, his gaze drifting away momentarily. "...I almost had."

"Oh—" Oliver gasped, his voice laced with a sharp edge, mirroring the sudden shock and realization.

The entire room fell into stunned silence, their eyes wide open, pupils constricting in disbelief.

"Now, tell me," Frederick smiled. "What exactly transpired between you and the Queen of Auxgaurrde?"

"...Alright, so! This is what happened," Oliver settled onto the sofa, preparing to narrate the events. "We were soaring through the skies, returning home to Asbranne in a hot air balloon. Can you believe it? A hot air balloon! But, our lunch supplies ran out, leaving us with no choice but to land in Auxgaurrde and search for a restaurant to satisfy our hunger."

"But then, we stumbled upon the queen, and she invited us to her palace," Gregory ventured.

Oliver's arms stretched wide, emphasizing the grandeur. "The palace is simply enormous!"

Sophia's eyes sparkled as she added, "And the halls, oh! They're covered with gold!"

Frederick's eyes widened. "What did you all do during your time in the palace?" he asked.

"I had the opportunity to talk with the queen," Oliver answered, "and I presented her with a remarkable item, a monument that symbolizes the legacy and resilience of our ancestors!"

Frederick leaned forward. "What precisely did you gift her?" he queried.

"A heart-shaped diamond."

Frederick's curiosity persisted as he pressed on with more questions. "And how much did such a precious gem cost?"

"Millions of gold coins," Oliver responded. "But, I gave it as a gift and took no coins from her."

"Not only did Oliver decline any form of reward from the queen, but he also turned down offers from others," Gregory interjected.

Frederick's attention turned towards Gregory. "Is that so?"

"Oliver's actions were never motivated by material wealth. He carried out his duties for the sake of mankind. That's why I love him," Gregory stated.

     Gregory extends his arm, gently placing his mug on the table. He fixes his gaze upon Oliver's glistening eyes. Taking a deep breath, Gregory slowly envelops Oliver in a warm embrace, his arms encircling him.

     Oliver's chest rises in surprise, a soft puff lifting off his tongue. He reciprocates the embrace, wrapping his arms around Gregory's waist. With a content smile, Oliver gazes out of the window, taking in the enchanting sight before them.

     As daylight fades, the sky transforms into a tapestry of pure darkness. Yet, the snow twinkle like countless specks of dust in the night sky. The full moon projects its soft glow behind the thick clouds, illuminating the falling snow as it continues to blanket the world in its wintry embrace.

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