Chapter 2 (Part 4)

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     Unexpected screams of fear echo through the atmosphere. Girls cry out with their mothers while women frantically yelp. Men shout and yell alongside their companions as boys shriek in horror.

     The chilling screams cause every hair on Oliver's body to stand. He swiftly glances at the city, where he witnesses crowds pushing through the gateway in a desperate attempt to escape. His eyes shift further back, scanning the vast grasslands, and his heart sinks beneath his stomach as he spots the final tornado approaching the city.

     Oliver's heart beats rapidly. A deep, heavy gasp gushes through his mouth as his pupils contract in fear. He presses his lips and gulps hard, furrowing his brows as he realizes the situation unfolding before him.

     Gregory feels his feet betraying him, unable to move as he stands frozen like a statue. His head tilts slowly upward, staring at the approaching tornado. Terror glints in his eyes, dropping his jaw in disbelief as he struggles to catch his breath.

     Despite his efforts, Gregory's feet remain glued to the ground, leaving him rooted in place as he tightly grips his sceptre. Edgar, Sarrah, and Bethany shout as they hastily pull Gregory towards the gateway. Despite their combined strength, Gregory remains frozen.

     The wind grows more violent, snatching Gregory's top hat from his head. His black hair flows freely as the breeze brushes through it. Gregory's eyes widen, gasping as he watches his hat fly towards the menacing tornado.

     Oliver sprinted towards his companions. He hastened, racing across the plains as he pushed the tall grass off his face. He panted heavily, his heart pulling him down as he realized the possibility of not reaching the city in time.

"Greg! Let's move!" Edgar's voice rang out as he pulled at Gregory's arm.

"Come on, big guy!" Sarrah yelled.

As Bethany pulled Gregory, attempting to propel him into action, her eyes darted towards the tornado. "Guys! The tornado!" she gasped loudly.

"Greg! Do something!" Edgar shouted in distress.

     Gregory stands frozen, paralyzed by fear. However, the startled screams of his companions jolt him back to reality. He gasps loudly, shaking his head as he screws his eyes shut, trying to gather his focus.

     Gregory hurryingly raises his sceptre towards the menacing tornado. Clenching his teeth, he swiftly aims, glaring at the swirling vortex. With a blaring yell, he unleashes his spell.

"Congelus!" he shrieked.

     The golden orb on Gregory's sceptre began to glow and shimmer, emitting a radiant light. A beam emerged from it, shooting towards the heart of the tornado. As the beam touched the tornado, the ferocious winds slowed, and a cascade of leaves, stones, and soil descended from the sky like heavy rain.

     The tornado's dark, opaque core appeared frozen in time, suspended in an eerie stillness. Though motionless, the distinct lines within the air continue to hold their shape. Gregory and the others gasped as their eyes widened. Everyone stood still, staring at the tornado and the swirling clouds above.

     Oliver's sprint continues unabated as he dashes across the land. As he gains closer to the frozen tornado, he leaps and launches into the air. Letting out a loud grunt, he summons and releases a blinding beam of white, glowing elements from his hand.

     The sparkly elements surge towards the frozen tornado, colliding with its core. The tornado absorbs the elements, causing its insides to glow and flicker with a brilliant white light. The tornado instantly vanishes into thin air, dissipating mid-flight as a haunting howl echoes in the background. The wind swirls on the horizon, gradually fading away.

     Gravity begins to pull Oliver as he glides from the sky. He then lands on the ground safely. Releasing a heavy breath through his mouth, he straightens his back and turns his head towards his spouse and friends, smirking at them.

     Gregory stands motionless with a pale face, blankly staring at the sky as the daylight breaks through the fading dark clouds. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Opening his eyes, he immediately spots Oliver in the vast grassland.

     Oliver's smirk widens as he swiftly bends down, disappearing from view among the tall grass. Emerging immediately, he presents a top hat. The sight of his hat triggers a smile to spread across Gregory's face as he giggles.

     Oliver approaches his companions. He then stands before Gregory, placing the top hat on his head and adjusting its brim. Oliver slowly steps back and grins at Gregory.

     Gregory returns the warm smile that mirrors the joy that fills their hearts. Together, Oliver and Gregory take a moment to feel the shared happiness. However, their attention is suddenly captured by a sound that reaches their ears.

     Applause fills the air, accompanied by enthusiastic whistles and cheers from the crowd. The sound reverberates, echoing through the surroundings as people jump and raise their fists to the sky. Despite the boisterous cheers, the couple's gaze turns back to each other as their smiles deepen.

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