"So my sons and daughter are invited, but I'm not."

"I'm inviting you now."

"And what about Mercedes, she okay with you just inviting that boy."

"I already asked her this morning and she said that it is fine because they are still friends. Your daughter got to clean up the mess she made."

"You mean the mess you made?" Cookie points.

Lucious waves it off. "Come on, you gonna come or not?"

Cookie sighs. "Okay, Lucious."

The officer comes back into the room as he smiles getting up and about to take his leave.

"Nice meeting you, Officer Carter."

"Nice meeting you, Mr. Lyon."

Lucious shakes her hand. "And, mind you, I'll be the first one to let you know if she does anything wrong."

"Well, thanks for this." She waves the paper. "My kid will cherish it.

"I will cherish you locking her back up." Lucious points to Cookie who rolled her eyes.


Mercedes sat in the song booth on the couch. Listening to the song play out and at times it made her brows pull.

"Play it again,"

Marquis hits the speaker button from the other side. "That's the third time."


"Want to talk about it?"


Marquis plays the song and sits back.

Mercedes hums to herself. "Stop."

Writing down what had her blocked, she nods and motions for him to stop it.

"It was the first part. I think it needs to flow more better." Mercedes comes out the booth. "Can we redo it tomorrow?"

"I got you," Marquis. "Destiny said you're not coming with us tonight?"

"I have to go to a family dinner and my dad has invited Christian."


"Yeah," Mercedes sighs sitting back. "The last place I want to be is some awkward ass family dinner."

"Can't be that bad," Marquis nudged her.

"Lucious Lyon, my out of control twin who hates our mother. Our mother who just got of prison, my brother Jamal who has constant beef with Lucious and Andre who I believe secretly wants us dead. And Anika."

Marquis nods slow. "Yeah I'll pray for you."

"Thank you," Mercedes shakes her head. "Then I had to go to brunch with Anika and almost told the waiter to bash my head with the glass of orange juice."

Twins of EmpireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz