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Oops I'm getting sloppy with updating, hopefully I'll be able to fix that lmao.

-They always sit together on the bus and draw stupid stuff on the back of the seat in front of them.

-They hold onto each-others backpacks while walking through the halls, They both like to occasionally tug the handle of their bag super hard to make the other fall backwards.

-The word "gay" is forbidden in their homeroom because of them.

-Kaito will literally cry if Kokichi isn't at school, though he has Shuichi and Making to hang out with.

-There was one time that Kokichi was going to have a panic-attack so he rushed to one of the school bathrooms farther away from the class he was in. After around 30 minutes Kaito was extremely worried and left to check every bathroom in the school for him.

-There's a rumur going around that their in some form of a romantic relationship, weather it's that people think their having a serious relationship, or if their just having hate sex. It's a split opinion. (I'm not trying to sexualize the characters as minors, it's true that rumors like this go around in high schools so I don't want to hear it.)

-They stop at each other's lunch tables while leaving lunch, (classes leave at different times)

I hope you guys liked these head cannons, you can also make theme requests for HC chapters like Au's and stuff!

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