"Ok now show me Everything this can..." She started as Ben started shuffling through the entire thing with ease.

"What in the fresh hell?" Percilla said "Can you even understand all this?!"

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"What in the fresh hell?" Percilla said "Can you even understand all this?!"

"Sure. Face ID, GPS, Vitals, My 'Who is that again?', Speech to Text, Voice recognition. " Ben listed off everything without hesitation or any difficulty.

"And that's my Omni-Charge Meter it tells me exactly how long the transformation has before I turn back and that last one is the selection bar." Ben said.

Dr Vector rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Are you seeing ALL of this at a time?"

"You said show you everything." Ben said "Usually it's just the clock and whatever I'm doing at the time."

"Well the only weird thing is why it isn't your motor cortex that is moving all this." Dr Vector said moving the hologram "GOOD GOD!"

She zoomed in to his Chest Core and when it showed 'Nerves' it looked like he had another Lobe in his ribs.

"Is there a problem? It's meant to be a Memory Backup and a Neural Elasticity Corrector." Ben said "If I'm ever under mind control or get amnesia it auto corrects my brain."

"Would you let me test that?" She asked.

Ben nodded and she threw a puff of a weird dust out of nowhere at his face.

The hologram showed the core increased activity and Ben's HUD activating Auxiliary Core.

"Yeah that thing isn't coming out." Dr Vector said.

Ben had a increase in fear and Dr.Vector calmed him down. "No no no I wasn't trying to take it out."

Ben breathed and something popped up.

"Well I made sure to add everything that could be useful for work

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"Well I made sure to add everything that could be useful for work." Ben said "To keep myself from getting distracted and keep my training at the front of my mind."

The hologram made a wire frame of Ben's Auxiliary Core and she saw the Polymorphic Crystal and said "I'm not a mechanic but from what I can tell it's biologically safe in your body."

Helping Gwen 10Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora