Afraid of the Dark (Past 2)

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Four years had passed rather quickly in Marc's life. Two years after they had met at the celebration of the new year, Danielle and Marc were married. The tribe required that its regular members be married by twenty-one years of age, otherwise, they'd be forced into an arranged marriage, so he and Danielle agreed that they would rather be together than be forced to marry someone they hardly knew. Marc, of course, was more than happy to marry her. From the day they met, he could feel that connection. 

He loved her with all his heart and soul, and stayed true to his word, doing anything and everything she had ever asked of him. Marc thought that he had gotten his happy ending. He thought that he had finally found the love and companionship he had been looking for his entire life. Danielle was kind and patient. He couldn't have asked for anyone better.

However, with time, she grew to spend more and more time out and about instead of with him. Sooner or later, he found himself spending most of his time alone, once again. Not that he minded. He saw nothing wrong with his wife going out and living her life. She was a social butterfly, and he simply wasn't. There was nothing wrong with that.

However, people would still whisper whenever he walked past them. He would hear them talk about how they pitied him because he was married, but not loved. He tried ignoring all these remarks, but sometimes he would lie awake during the day when everyone else was supposed to be asleep, thinking about everything people would say. No matter how hard he tried to ignore them, their words would still sting, and there was always that small thought in the back of his mind.

What if they're right?

He convince himself that she loved him just as much as he loved her, but there were some times when he wasn't quite sure. She hardly spent time with him anymore. She hardly spoke to him. It was like they were living two separate lives, and the only thing they shared was the same bed.

He wished he could make her happy the way her friends did. He wished he wasn't so shy and awkward so he could have the courage to go out with her and be in large groups of people. 

On top of that, ever since he had gotten married, he hadn't been able to write more than a short paragraph. Even with all the time and space in the world, his mind couldn't find the will to think of anything to say. Whenever he sat down to try to write, all he could do was think of his own insecurities. 

Danielle was fairly well known throughout the village, so being married to her helped more people learn of his existence. Now people at least knew his name, even if they hardly spoke to him. 

He would often hear them speak of him, but never to him. 

The sun had just set, signifying his tribe's morning. One day every week, Marc would force himself outside to walk through town. He primarily did this so he could become more comfortable with his surroundings, however, he also forced himself out of his comfort zone for Danielle's sake. He didn't want people making fun of her more for having a husband who never even showed his face to the world.

He didn't walk with her, as she had left about half an hour before he did to meet up with her friends and make her day as memorable and filled with fun as possible. Danielle was the type of person who wanted to seize every moment and make life worth living. She was kind, beautiful, and sweet, so she always managed to surround herself with friends. She could brighten any room she stepped into just by smiling. 

Every single day, Marc was grateful that someone like her agreed to be with someone like him. He loved her more than anything, and even though he wanted to spend more time with her, if being with her friends was what she wanted, then who would he be to stop her?

He walked through the village, past the center of town. Unlike on the night of the new years' celebration, the square wasn't decorated for a grand party. 

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