Chapter 13 (final)

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The sculk group arrived in the Evermore and went straight to the humble witch's house finding it more ruined than before and to their surprise, the elderly witch on the floor surrounded by some sculk.

"Woah what happened here!" asked Sausage not really liking how the situation looks.

"Mrs. Glinda! Are you okay!" said the princess rushing to check on the witch currently knocked out on the floor.

Katherine crouched next to her meanwhile others gather around hoping to get more context, Sausage being disgusted by sculk sticking on his shoes while walking.

"Yeah I'm okay....just got a bit lightheaded" said Glinda trying to sit up holding her head on the place she, probably, got hit at.

"Wait where's Shelby" said Pix noticing something is missing.

"She....uhhh...broke free and attacked me then just ran off." the older witch barely managed to say the last sentence, because of the pain, holding on Katherine for support.

"We need to find her! Mrs. Glinda is the potion ready?" asked the princess.

"Not yet, I'm still missing a few ingredients and I need help with mixing them in."

"Okay Pix, you and Joey help out with the potion meanwhile Sausage and I will go find Shelby." said Katherine with determined voice sure in her plan.

"Yeah you can count on me Katherine!" yelled Sausage with enthusiasm.

"You have some sculk on your shoulder." pointed out the pirate.

"Ahhhaha" yells Sausage as he jumps back and tries to get the sculk off, dramatically looking to the sides with a grimace on his face.

"Yeah maybe I should go with Joey" said Katherine re-thinking her plan.

With Katherine and Joey

As they entered deeper in the forest the cold chill of the fog was getting to them, Katherine no longer feeling safe in the light she experienced with Shelby. It was dark, creepy and cold.

The deeper they went into forest the more sculk they found, and Katherine's worry became bigger as well, slowly losing their minds, and soon their souls, thanks to the fog.

"Wow this is a lot of sculk, do you think she's alright, maybe it's tearing pieces of her skin?"

"Joey! Don't say that!" well Katherine became more worried.

"Sorry, sorry positive mind and that stuff." says the pirate as he rolls his eyes.

"You know what I'm curious about?"


Now having pirate's full attention the princess starts "Every time something happened, these flowers.....they're always there. They seem so familiar but I don't know where are they from."

"Hmmm....well they were around Shelby's mail box....probably some witches signature flower or something like that."

"Wait how do you know they were in her mail?"

"I stole some of it when I needed blackmail material. They were with a letter from supreme witch." (hehe a WitchCraft refrence) says Joey doing a shrug trying to remember the term he read.

"Wait you mean the head witch...." just realising what that meant, in time they entered the center of Evermore which is filled with said flowers and some creepy stones "We're in big trouble!" yelled Katherine with realisation in her voice right before something hit her and Joey

With Pix and Sausage

After Sausage brought the last few ingredients that elderly witch asked for the potion was almost finished.

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