Chapter 2

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With the witches council
(happening at the same time as last paragraph of previous chapter)

After searching the whole empire of Evermore most of them found nothing

But not everyone, one witch called Gwendalyn called the other witches "Sisters! I think I found something, come quick."

And they did, soon all five witches were in a medium sized hut. The cozy house looked like a mess, but not the good aesthetic mess it was before; Much like the rest of the empire it was ruined and snooped around by force.

As all of them were gathered Gwenda (a nickname cause I'm lazy) began "I found this journal, it seems like it's of great value. There are a lot of plans on making strong armies and economy growth" she then turned some pages to show others while explaining "in it is mentioned another what seems to be kingdom called Glimmer Grove, along with it's most likely ruler, princesses Katherine"

The witches looked at each other than at the head witch Amelia as she spoke in kinda annoyed tone " Maybe she could be useful to find Glinda's granddaughter, are there any more informations about this place?"

It was visible that she was onto something but Glinda couldn't do anything about it, she knows the consequences of going against her and rest of the witches' rules just because she felt bad for her granddaughter

" Well there's a map on the wall " Darcy took the map off the wall

They began searching for the mentioned kingdom on the map and it didn't take them long to find it. The map was marked with a lot of routes and shortcuts to different kingdoms, and hearts near Glimmer Grove? But the witches didn't pay attention to that; Instead the made a plan to come to the kingdom in search of young witch that was on the run.

They got on their brooms, taking the map and going straight to the kingdom of Glimmer Grove.

   With Shelby

As she was speeding through the leafs and branches of the Evermore in order to get to Katherine's as fast as possible, she was constantly getting small scratches and cuts from tought plant life of her empire.

But she didn't care. In that moment that wasn't important for her; Only to keep Tortiose in pocket of her overalls so he won't fall off the broom that was going way too fast and to save Katherine.

While flying on her broom her mind wandered to good memories she had with princess she had to save.

-  Flashback -

"Thanks for coming here by the way, it really means a lot" said the young witch to her friend as she was slowly mixing the substance in a cauldron.

"No worries, besides you made me company while I worked out, I'm just repaying the favour" said the princess in a cheerfull tone "And I also like spending time with you" looking off to the sides as a blush spread across her face but slowly fainted away as the witch spoke "That's really nice, but... I'm not really the best at making new potions" scratching the back of her head as she turned to face Katherine.

"A lot of things could go wrong." she said as she sat down next to her friend "You know back at the academy I wasn't really the greatest witch.... I kinda failed all of my classes...." she said in a sad tone as she looked around her. That's when she saw the princess getting up and she did the same (because yay I'm adding dramatic scenes).

Katherine grabbed young witch's hand which made the witch look at her "Well for me you're the greatest witch I've ever met. And don't think you're not good at being a witch just because you failed some exams, you're much better at other things, don't forget that"

At this point the witch's blush was as pink as her friend's dress. A sudden feeling of trust mixed with guilt told her to tell Katherine the whole situation with the witches council being after her.

As she was about to "Katherine, I-I... have something important..
to tell you" she looked at her hands still held by Katherine's and than looked at the slightly taller girl in the eyes with kinda sad and serious face expression

"I... I'm" *boom*  the mixture inside the cauldron exploded surprising both girls that jumped into hug out of fear both having a hard blush, soon followed by soft giggles.

"Maybe today's not the day" Shelby tought to herself as she began cleaning her mess and having a chit chat with Katherine about what went wrong with the potion.

   End of flashback

"I'm gonna be your greatest witch" Shelby said with determination and bittersweet tone as she made a sad soft smile while speeding up on her broom as she approached lands of Glimmer Grove.

End of part 2

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