Nightmares (oneshots 1)

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The day was perfect, sunny, a few clouds creating a nice and peaceful shade for relaxing meaning that the great witch Shelby was visiting her girlfriend whose empire has a much better and brighter view of the day.

But then as if someone casted a spell, in a blink of the eye, a huge and gloomy storm appeared. Making so many loud and threatening lightnings, poring rain like crazy. No creature felt safe outside let alone traveling through a portal, that's why all emperors decided to not use them untill the storm stops.....which took a day or two, they lost track of time because everything seemed the same.

The first day went by with princess Katherine inviting her girlfriend to stay at her castle until the storm stops, also leaving more democratically active workers of her kingdom with a day off, because that's really not that much of an issue with the whole storm going on.

Katherine enterd her room with a soft and fluffy blanket in one hand, walking slowly not to scare the poor girl that was sitting on her bed almost hugging her knees, well she would if she wasn't covering her ears.

Katherine came closer and almost fully sat next to Shelby but then the lightning stiked and Shelby let out a nervous and frightened squeal.

"Hey, hey it's okay I'm here." said the princess in a soft voice wrapping the blanket around herself and the witch that came closer and buried her face in princess' chest hugging and pulling her closer.

Katherine obviously accepted the cuddle and caressed her girlfriend's hair in order to calm her down.

"I'm so sorry Katherine, first I didn't check the weather before asking you on a date, and now because of my sensitive hearing you're stuck taking care of me." (she kept some abilities from her warden form, like sensitive hearing)

"What no none of that is your fault....and besides I love cuddling with you." finishing that sentence in a sweet and soft tone Katherine hugged the witch tighter and leaned her head on her girlfriend's.

Some time has passed and it was around 2AM. The storm was still going with the same tempo as before.

Shelby p.o.v:
I was back in the center of Evermore, still dark and cold as before, my vision blurred with dark cyan, not being able to feel my body.

But unfortunately for me I was still present, hearing so many shouts and scream and who knows what else.

She was controlling me again "No no no this isn't real they defeated you! Y-you're powerless!" I said beginning to cry, wanting to curl up and hold my head.

That deep, bitter from all emotion voice just laughed, you could hear the bad intentions in her tone she laughed. With nothing else said my vision became less blury.....why? Just so I can see I was fighting my girlfriend.

She struggled so much but before any of them could stop me I striked really hard.

"NOOO KATHERINE!" I cried out reaching my hand in front of me.

As I suddenly stood up, with many tears going down my cheek, my arm still reaching forward I heard a soft and worried voice.

No one's p.o.v

"Shelby, darling are you alright?"

All of the sudden movements, and probably that Shelby screamed her name, in the witches sleep woke Katherine up.

Seeing the tears on her girlfriend's face and how the girl was shaking as she looked confused at the princess, mostly because she was still processing the situation, Katherine wraped her arms around her girlfriend's waist and brought her closer.

While she was stroking her hair she could still feel how fast the other girl's heart was beating then the witch spoke "Wh-what's going on?"

"where, where are we, ho-how are you still here?" to say that she was confused would be too little; After her nightmare Shelby could barely process what's going on, her emotions mixed with adrenaline from the nightmare was making her not think properly.

"She co-controlled m-me....aand I hit...hit you...." even though she couldn't rely on her thinking her feelings were still there, and as a reflex she leaned in the taller girl's touch.

"Shelby where are we?" obviously Katherine knew the answer but needed Shelby to realise what's real and what was a nightmare.

The witch looked around the room "In-in your bedroom?"

"Mnhm" nods the princess "And who are you cuddling?"

"My beautiful girlfriend?" her voice was still shaky and scared but the fact she was able to think again was a good sign for Katherine.

"That means I'm still here for you." Katherine says as she grabs Shelby's hand with both of her hands.

"See..." now bringing the witch's hand for her to feel her heartbeat to assure the witch she's fine "And I won't let anything hurt you, not even some stupid nightmare."

Wiping the tears the shorter girl nods and buries her face into her girlfriend's shoulders again, hugging her.

Hugging the witch back "Do these happen often?"

"mhm" not even moving her head the witch replys

"If it'll make you feel better you can stay here for some time."

"I'd like that."

They continued cuddling for some time but eventually both became sleepy. And now the big storm seemed not so scary afterall.


Starting with the oneshots part of this, I hope you'll like it

Just please keep in mind sometimes I won't have ideas for these so new ones might take a while to be posted

Also the video (that I hope I put correctly and works) is the song they referred to in last part of main story

Words: 885

Your greatest witch - Empires smp s2 nature wives जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें