Dance with me (oneshots 4)

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Katherine's p.o.v:

It was a quite long and boring day. Who would've thought that being a princess involved this much paper work.

It took me forever to fill in all those forms and requests from villagers but hey at least I finished and it was a nice sunny day.

Sitting in my throne all day doing this boring stuff really brought my mood down so I decided to take a walk and maybe visit some friends, or the adorable witch that I'm head-over-heals with.

Just as I exited my castle, wanting to go on a walk, I saw a bright light in the distance "Did someone use a teleportation spell?" I asked myself, must've been my girlfriend.

I ran towards the place and there she was.....with white hair?

"Shelby!" I yelled her name which caught her attention before I hugged and twirled her around, like I always do, but she looked shocked?

I put her down just now realising that her overalls were blue with a dark blue sweater that had star details, it looked pretty cool to be honest, gosh she's so pretty.

"Loving the new look by the way. White hair really looks nice." I said with a smile but she's always cute no matter her hair colour.

"Uhhh....hello." she waved politely, but her tone sounded confused and more serious than usual "Thanks but I don't think I know you?"

"Huh?" is all I managed to say before another person teleported and it was another Shelby.....wait a second that's my Shelby but who's this other person then.

"Ah! There you are, why did you leave the Evermore?" Shelby said.

"Well you told me about all these other places with different kinds of magic, of course I ran towards it I'm a witch." other, blue vibes, Shelby said.

"Oh hey Katherine!" Shelby noticed me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Oh so that's the girl you were talking about."

"Yeah my girlfriend, princess Katherine, she's pretty cool, and strong and pretty and..." as much as I love listening to my girlfriend being all cute and dorky, I was still confused about this different Shelby "Uhhh love what's going on? Who's this "

"Oh right, right! This is me but this me is from a different universe." she explained.

"Hello I'm Shelby, the storm witch" she said the last part a bit faster "One of the competitors for the role of supreme witch, and trust me that makes me really powerful and stuff." she shook my hand.

"Wait you didn't tell me that! Only that you need mangrove and that I look week!"

"What do you do as a storm witch?" I asked, even though my girlfriend is a witch she doesn't specify in one kind, heh she's amazing at all of Katherine, concentrate!

"Well you know....I can teleport with lightning...." as she said that a lightning struck out of nowhere and she teleported behind me and Shelby, which scared her and she grabbed my arm.

"I can make it rain and obviously summon lightning." with one move of her hand the rain began to fall, slowly and kinda calmly "But I can't make it stop." she tried to mumble but it was very clear what she said. She started floating and summoned a staff "Oh I can shoot sparkles too."

She sat on her staff while still floating not really high off the ground "I got a cool monocle that tells me weather magic stuff....the classics."

"The classics?!" Shelby asked a bit stunned to speak "I mean....yeah that's so basic pffftt..." she moved her hand, in the 'you know' way.

"The rain is so calming and nice, it feels so magical, I really like it." I spun around just playing in the rain and enjoying it.

"Thank you but I gotta get this home..." she made a mangrove sapling float "if I want to become the next supreme." and with that she just vanished.

"It rains in the Evermore too you know.....I see nothing special about this rain!" Shelby then crossed her arms and looked to the side with a scuff.

"Is someone getting jealous?" I deepened my voice cause I know she likes when I do that, her expression making me giggle as I raised my hand to my mouth to stop myself from fully laughing.


"Awhhh come here." I grabbed her hand and dragged her into a hug which she accepted but then we parted away.

I suddenly got an idea "May I have this dance, miss witch?" I then extended my arm for her to grab my hand.

She started blushing and smiled but it soon faded away? "Katherine I really don't know how....and besides you're a princess we probably have different ways of dancing and I don't wanna screw this up for you."

"Awww Shelby, you won't mess it up...." I grabbed her hand again and brought her closer to me "And who cares if we have different ways of dancing."

I put one of my hands on her waist and held her hand with my other, she then put her hand on my shoulder "Come on I can teach you!"

We began to sway slowly as the rain drops fell on us, but she kept looking at her feet in order not to accidentally step on me, I giggled, she looked so cute.

But she needed more confidence in herself so I lifted her chin a little giving her a small kiss "Just look at me and don't worry, feel the magic around us." to which she nodded with a blush.

We twirld around a little but I'm guessing she calmed down and enjoyed the rain as much as me, because she moved her other hand around my torso and leaned closer to my chest, in sort of hugging way.

"You were right Katherine, rain really is amazing, when I'm with you."

I brought her closer, I don't know how's that possible since we already were pretty close, "I told you so." and we continued to dance for a little while. Nothing mattered in that moment more that the girl in my arms and sounds of raindrops falling.

Words: 1041

Art credits: yut art (on tumblr)

Hey guys, it's Violet again, thanks to SienaTheFox_ for this idea.

I didn't know what else to write about this so I added the first few scenes where they meet WitchCraft Shelby to make it a bit more interesting.

Also y'all huge news....I got my mom interested in empires lore so now every day I tell her about one character (already did Shelby, Katherine, Scott and Gem) who should I tell her about next?

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