Chapter 8

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The night has passed, and the morning came. Normally Katherine would do her monster hunter missions and wake up a bit later for her princess duties. But since she decided to help Shelby for a short while, she still has this day off.

She already told Shelby about the secret hideout for her monster hunter gear and decided to show it to her.

So there they were "Wow! This place is so cool!" screaming... at 6 in the morning 😑

"Also I'm loving the aesthetic of this place, like girl the decorations are amazing"

"Thank you, andddd....this is where I keep my weapons" said the princess as she grabbed her axe "yesterday you said that you wanted to watch me practice, so I was thinking maybe we can go monster hunting together" but than she looked at the witche's arm and remembered, Shelby noticed the sad look on her face, and to her Katherine looked like an adorable sad puppy.

Shelby knew how happy Katherine was when they were monster hunting "don't worry about it, you can kill monsters while I just watch, I won't mind just watching you practice" said the witch as she came a bit closer to the princess and took her hand.

"That sounds amazing too, maybe I can see the cool witch scythe in action next time"

"or if you want I can give it to you so you can try it out" said Shelby with a bit of a blush "just don't rip anyone's soul out" she said the last part very seriously

They talked a bit more and went to the monster head museum where Katherine showed off her head collection with such enthusiastic tone that Shelby couldn't help but smile as she listened to Katherine's stories

They spent a little while in the museum but eventually they decided to take a walk through the kingdom and Shelby also wanted a little tour.

But just as they exited the museum, Glinda appeared on her broom.

"Ah Shelby there you are." she said as she hooped off her broom

"I've got some important tasks for you, but since you seem a bit busy" she looks at her holding Katherine's hand "meet me when you get back to the Evermore, we have to discuss about the witch council since Amelia isn't the head witch anymore"

As she hops on her broom, she looks at Katherine "And you better take care of my grand daughter, since she clearly can't do it on her own" said the older witch as she looked at her grand daughter's bandaged arm.

Katherine first giggled a little than replied with "yes ma'am" with a bit of blush still holding Shelby's non-injured hand.

And than the older witch dissappeared in a flash of light.

"That's so cool you gotta learn how to do that" said Katherine enthusiastically as they began to follow a path.

"That's  just a teleportation spell, she just made it cool by mixing in some movement and fancy light spell" said Shelby with a bored expression.

"I once asked her how she does it because I wanted to learn a quicker way to visit you, but I got disappointed when she revealed me that it's just for being a show off and that I actually have to teleport"

She then looked at Katherine as she giggled "you wanted to learn a quicker way to see me?"

"Hehe yeah..." said the witch awkwardly.

"that's adorable" said the princess.

"Thanks but it'll be useless now that we have portals for quick travel"

"Now that you mentioned it.... Why didn't you use the portal to get here before the witch council?" asked the princess clearly confused.

"Well when I was hiding the council witches kinda destroyed my empire trying to find me, annnnddd that includes the portal" she said it with neutral extension, kinda like this 😐

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