Just a little confusion

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{ Y/N's POV }

_« Hi there, it must be someone important you're writing to, I've never seen you on duty with your phone. » Mia appears behind me.

_« AAH! Mia you scared me, and it's none of your business. »

_« You're hiding something from me, Y/N, I'll find out sooner or later. »

_« One day, maybe, I'll tell you, Come on, hurry up, we're going to be late. » I finished the conversation and we both headed to our work place.

June 10 2020 / 7h00 pm

{ Lizzie's POV}

So I came back to Y/N's place. While waiting for her, I try to keep myself busy, I use her computer to look and answer some emails, and work on some of my script, fortunately I was able to find my scripts.

I am so well concentrated that I was able to learn all my lines, now I just have to work on my movements. Suddenly my concentration was cut by a noise coming from the front door. Someone was knocking on the door. At the beginning, the knocks were quite soft, normal, then they started to be louder and numerous at an increasing rhythm. The noise was so loud, I felt like the door was going to break.

I look discreetly through the doorway. Without the person outside seeing me. I see a young man, whom I don't know, he is dressed all in black and has only a backpack with him. I don't say anything and pretend that nobody is home. Who is this man? What does he want? Is he a thief?

_« Come on, open the door, I know you're there, there's a car in front of your garage » he says and kicks the door, which makes me jump.

_« Hurry up, come open the door » he continues.

He starts to insist and tries to open the front door by forcing on the door handle. I see him looking at the flower pots, is he looking for the keys? How does he know that this is the hiding place for the keys?

_« Come open the door » He insists on opening the door, but I don't move and hide.

I sent a message to Y/N to warn her of the situation, but she doesn't answer me. I don't know what to do. I check to see if I finally got a message from Y/N, but unfortunately my phone went dead.

I have to go get my charger, I don't know where I put it. But first, I have to find something to protect myself. If he ever gets in, I have to be able to defend myself. I walk away from the front door without the person trying to get in seeing me. I look in Y/N's closets and find a baseball bat. I take it with me like my life depends on it.

My heart is beating super fast. I notice that there is no more noise. I discreetly go to the front door to check if he is still there, but no he is not in front of the door anymore. By instinct, I check the sliding door which gives on the garden. He's not there and the door is closed, which relieves me a little.

I decide to check the windows. Then suddenly I remember that I forgot to close a window, the kitchen window. My stress is at its maximum, I'm scared. I start to move towards the kitchen but stay outside with the door closed. I slowly open the door, so I can look at the window. And then I feel cold in my back, I have cold sweats, and my hands are shaking. he's going through the window.

Now I have two choices, either I run away and leave the house, or I catch the intruder. I try to make a decision. And decide to catch him. Because if I run away and Y/N doesn't read my messages, and she comes home she will be in danger, if she runs into him. I don't want him to hurt her.

So I gathered up my courage, I stay in front of the entrance door of the kitchen, outside. I try to follow his steps with their sound. I feel that he is heading towards the door, so I prepare myself.

And the PAF! As soon as he opens the door, I put a big shot with the baseball bat. that makes him fall unconscious. I went to get some rags and tie his hands and feet so he can't move. I leave him against the wall.

I decide to look for my charger in my room upstairs so I can send a message to Y/N to tell him I caught him and call the police.

June 10 2020 / 8h00 pm

{ Y/N's POV }

I'm exhausted, I finally finished my shift at the hospital. I'm waiting for Mia to finish changing, so we can go home together since we live not far from each other.

Meanwhile I decide to look at my phone, I notice that I have several missed calls from Lizzie. And several messages where she explains that someone is trying to get into the house. I start to panic, I wonder if she's okay, and I feel bad because I couldn't see the messages earlier, Because an hour has passed between the moment she sent me the message and the moment I read it.

I notice that she sent me a photo of the intruder, I decide to click to see the photo. And I immediately understand the situation.

{ Lizzie's POV}

I finally found my charger and put my phone to charge. A few minutes later I decide to turn it on to warn Y/N and call the police. When the phone turns on, I notice that I have a message notification from Y/N.

Y/N 🩺  : hey are you all right? don't worry, I know this person, you can let him in he's not dangerous. I finished the work, I'll be there soon.

I don't understand anything anymore, did I just make a big mistake by knocking him out ? And who is this person? I'm totally confused. So I decide to ask her.

Lizzie 😁  : But who is this person? And I'm afraid I made a little mistake.

I wait for his answer, always with shaking hands.

Y/N 🩺  : Wait, what did you do? And this is my........


A/N : Hi 👋  How are you doing? I hope everybody's okay.

Don't hesitate to tell me what you think, by leaving a small comment or writing me directly. it will help me.

thank you. 😌 

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