Chapter 9

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"Harry she's hungry again!" Louis calls from where he's walking at the front of the group. Darcy has just begun to cry against his chest, little arms flailing about as she tries to escape her carrier. 

"Bring her here," Harry says, looking up from his conversation with Ella. The two of them have become fast friends over the last three weeks. Louis claims he's jealous, and that it's not fair that he has to take care of Darcy while Harry hangs out with his new friend, but Harry knows he grateful they're getting along, and he loves caring for Darcy. 

Louis takes Darcy out of her blanket carrier, unstrapping her from his chest as he walks over to Harry, who quickly pulls off his shirt. 

"Trade," he says, throwing the shirt at Louis's face as he takes their baby from his boyfriend's arms. 

"Hey!" Louis protests, sputtering as he bats the fabric away from his face. Harry just chuckles and lets Darcy latch onto him. As always, she immediately stops fussing and begins to feed. It seems the girl only ever cries when she's hungry. She's one of the happiest babies ever. 

Louis comes up behind Harry and wraps his arms around his waist, propping his head up on Harry's shoulder. He rubs soft circles into Harry's stomach with his fingertips. Harry melts into him, leaning against his chest. 

"You're so hot," Louis whispers into his ear, running his hands along Harry's lower belly. 

"Shut up," Harry tells him, shivering slightly. "I'm literally in the middle of feeding our daughter."

"And you look hot while doing it," Louis argues. 

Harry just giggles slightly and pulls away from Louis, moving to join Niall on the log he's sat on. The rest of their friends had seen that Darcy needed to be fed and they'd stopped walking, sitting around on the forest floor to take a break. 

"Hey, come back," Louis protests, coming to sit next to Harry. 

"Not if you're going to hit on me while I feed Darcy," Harry denies, scooting closer to Niall, who just laughs. 

"But you're so beautiful," Louis says, smirking and leaning towards Harry. "You deserve to know."

"Stop it," Harry giggles, pushing Louis's face away with his free hand. Louis chuckles as he does, trying to lean closer. 

"You're gorgeous," he continues, trying to avoid Harry's hand as he continues to try to push Louis away. "You're gorgeous, and beautiful, and hot, and sexy, and adorable, and cute all at once and it's ridiculous."

Harry laughs, standing again to escape Louis, careful not to disturb Darcy.

"I don't know how anyone could be all of those things at one time, but you are and it's perfect," Louis declares, following him. 

Harry walks faster, trying to avoid him, but Louis is persistent. He follows Harry as they weave through trees and logs, around their friends who are all watching them, laughing. Louis keeps shouting compliments at Harry as Harry laughs and blushes, trying to feed Darcy at the same time. 

"You're smart and funny and kind and sweet and endearing," Louis's saying, grinning as Harry hops over a log and heads for Ella. 

"Here," he says quickly, handing her Darcy, who's finished feeding. "Can you hold her for a sec?"

"Course," Ella grins, taking the baby from him gently. 

"You are the most perfect person," Louis continues, following Harry, who starts to run, stumbling over Stan and Liam who are watching them from the ground, laughing. 

"Stop it," Harry orders, pointing at Louis who's beginning to run after him as well. "Stop!" he laughs.

"I love you, Harry," Louis calls, chasing him around Zayn, Sara, and Paul. "You're beautiful inside and out and you deserve the world!"

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