Chapter 16

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Harry and Liam make it to the forest without any more trouble, but they're both worried about Zayn by the time they stop in the trees.

"Do you think he's alright?" Liam asks, trying not to show his panic.

"I'm sure he's perfectly fine, Li," Harry assures him. He's still confused about the relationship between his two friends, but he understands that right now, Liam just needs him to be calm.

"But what if they get him and it's because we weren't there to help him."

Harry scoffs gently. "You really think a few Purge troopers could defeat Zayn when he's up on a roof with his rifle? Bet he's having a nice little stroll, walking over here 'cause he probably took care of them in about three seconds."

Liam nods. "Yeah, you're right. You're probably right."

"If you don't mind my asking, though..." Harry starts, watching Liam carefully. The older lad tenses, waiting for the rest. "What's going on between you and Zayn?"

"Um..." Liam starts, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I'm honestly not quite sure."

"You just kissed him," Harry points out bluntly. He's found that with Liam, it's best to just get straight to the point. Or in this case, maybe gay to the point? He isn't sure yet.

"Yeah, we've been doing that a lot recently," Liam admits, blushing furiously. "But we haven't really... like... talked about it."

Harry raises his eyebrows. "You've been snogging and I haven't noticed? My gaydar must be incredibly broken."

"Well, we only do it when we're alone, like on watch or something," Liam explains, cheeks getting even redder. Harry didn't even think that was possible. "And you've been focused on Darcy and Louis so..."

"When did it start?" Harry asks, very interested now. "Like, what led up to whatever relationship it is that you have?"

Liam shrugs. "I dunno mate," he says wearily. "I mean, I think I've kind of liked him for a while but I didn't realize it, 'cause I've never been, like, attracted to a bloke before. But one night on watch a few weeks ago, we were sitting really close, and the campfire was just barely giving off light, and he looked really nice and I just... I dunno? I kissed him, I guess? And he didn't stop me and we've started kissing a bit more on watch and just..."

He trails off and Harry chuckles a bit. "Anything more than just kissing or..."

Liam's eyes widen at the thought, which just makes Harry laugh more. He looks like a thirteen year old in health class. "What? No! I... I don't even know if I'm gay, or bi, or straight and just fooling myself yet, mate, I can't-"

"Hey," Harry interrupts him, placing his hands on Liam's shoulders to stop his panicked rambling. "I was just wondering. And you don't need to label yourself, or even have your sexuality figured out, alright? You don't ever have to label yourself at all if you don't want to, and however you identify doesn't dictate who you can and can't love or be attracted to. Okay?"

Liam nods and takes a deep breath. "I don't even know how Zayn feels about all of this. We never actually talk about it."

"I feel like you're panicking over nothing, Li."

Liam and Harry whip around to find Zayn walking towards them, rifle slung over his shoulder. He's grinning at Liam, brown eyes shining. "There's really no reason to stress over what we are, as long as we're happy, yeah?" he continues. 

"Zayn." A smile spreads across Liam's face and he darts forward, meeting Zayn and wrapping him in his arms. Zayn smiles against his shoulder and melts into the embrace.

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