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I yawned, getting tired. I looked over seeing Jericho tense up and fall to the ground screaming in pain. "i-i don't have a single regret!" she said despite the immense pain I could tell she was in. "yawn! you should regret it your going to die and take many people with you......I do the same thing but I, I don't die" I said as she transformed into some hideous monster. "GYATT DAYUM YOU ARE UGLY!! well you were as a human but-" "(y/n) could you stop insulting it!!" "YOU WANNA BE NEXT!!" I yelled at the knights who yelled at me. in my moment when I was distracted, Jericho swat me across the village. 

I groaned in pain as I got up. "god I forgot what pain felt like..... it's amazing!" I said happily as I popped my shoulder back into place. I looked down and noticed my shirt was torn. "awe man I love this shirt!" I said angrily as teleported back to where Jericho was, I was floating right in front of her face. "(y/n)!!" King said. "oh shut up pussy boy! you know Jericho, I could have told you, you weren't compatible to handle demon blood" I said as I rolled my eyes as kicked the monster across the city, I flew after it, constantly punching and kicking it, not even letting it get a single hit in. I didn't even pay attention to the human part of her that was sticking out. at the same time, multiple other knights started turning as well. 

"Man, you guys are still so boring!!" I said as I punched the human part of Jericho out of the demon's body, her naked body went flying. I groaned as I realized I had to get the human part of her. I snapped my fingers as Jericho teleported onto the ground with a blanket over her body. i looked down at her, she was barely consious. "some times you humans really are pathetic, you do stupid shit for stupid amounts of power that's only going to backfire and get you killed, now look at you, on death's doorstep because you want some attention from your older brother whose stronger than you. move on and except it" i said as i watched her eyes water. "You're nothing while you're on an endless quest for meaningless power to surpass someone who forgot you were breathing. you're weak period. nothing you say or do will ever get your brother's attention" i said as i watched tears fall from her eyes. "your a waste of a human life, pathetic and useless"

 I looked down at the monster part of her body, and my mouth started to water. "damn I am a fat ass.." I mumbled to myself as my eyes kept darting down to it. when I was in the commandments I would eat demons and humans as I pleased, before I knew it I was tearing the demon's body apart with a maniacal look on my face, eating random bits, and throwing around random organs and body parts I didn't want. 

"(Y/N) WHERE ARE YOU!" I heard Diane call my name in her weakened state. I licked the demon blood off my face and turned my head over to the other junior knights who were running rampant. I smiled as I teleported towards them, instantly getting their attention. "(Y/N)!!" meliodis called as he grabbed onto me. even when he was worried he was still a perv. "um cap I know you worried and all but do ya have to squeeze my chest?" I asked as I looked down. "hand fulls?!" "I was so worried about you!! don't ever get kidnaped again!" he said as he wrapped his legs around my waist. "ehem" gowther said getting our attention. he gave Meliodis a look that was much different from his usual poker face, meliodis let me go with a huff. 

"Thanks, Gowther," I said as I let out a huge blast, getting rid of the demon knights. I didn't even bother saving the human bits. "no problem my lo- i mean (y/n)" he said, avoiding eye contact with me. "that sounded nothing like my name" i said as i looked back at meliodis, my ear twitched as i hear him angrily mumbling. "whats got your testies on a twist?" i asked as i squated in front of him. meliodis looked at gowther and back at me. "its nothing, you s-should spend this time w-wi-with gowther" he said, he looked like he was in absolute pain as he said that. "your right captain, we should spend more time together" gowther said as he walked next to me and locked my arm within his. 

he looked at my chest before squishing it a few times. "again gowther, that's not a greeting" i said as i looked at him. "to me it is, does it make you uncomfortable?" "very" "apologies" 

my ear twitched as i felt the aura of demon blood. i looked around not seeing anything out of the ordinary, meleodis and ban were arguing, diane was out cold, Elizabeth was nowhere to be found. wait? Elizabeth was nowhere to be found?! "DOH!!" i said as i flew off to find her. i found her on a roof top with drafus and some other guy, i forgot him name. i swooped down and snatched up Elizabeth. "lady (y/n)! I'm so glad your here to save me!!" she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck tightly. "yea yea, tell it to meliodis" i said as i dropped her down to meliodis, who wasnt very happy to be holding her, elizebeth wasnt to happy to be held by him either. 

"well well well, if it isn't the demon princess herself" Hendricson said as he stared me down. "I'm not a demon princess, yea the demon king may have said I'm like the daughter her never had and he wished he would have created me sooner and said i was his favorite but that means nothing" i said as i drew my sword. i noticed he was covered in demon markings. "you humans just make my life harder" i groaned as he laughed. "what? are you afraid all surpass you?" Hendrickson laughed. "ill be afraid of that when i become a white women" i said as i rolled my eyes. "let me get rid of that for you, its going to get you killed" i said as i walked closer to him, only for him to back up. "NEVER! you have no idea the limits of this power!" "i wasnt asking, and of course i know the limits of it, I HAVE IT!! trust me all its going to do is get you killed, or eat you alive from the inside out. its not meant for living beings" i said as i watched him. 

"unlike the new generation, it seems to me that its working" Hendrickson said as he drew his weapon as well. "this is what i get for trying to be helpful, why do i ever stray from my violent path of gore and misery" i said as i lunged at him, Without warning, Hendrickson lunged forward, his blade aimed at me. our swords danced with lightning speed, each strike a testament to their skill and strength. I've never had to work this much in a fight against a human. i don't like it. 

i growled as i took a knife out of the hem of my outfit and stabbed him in the stomach multiple times before sticking up in his stomach and quickly dragging it up, slicing though the middle of his torso, pulling out at the neck. what he didn't know was demon blood was highly flammable, i spit on his body and his blood ignited. i watched as he screamed in pain. " you know, human fire doesn't hurt demons. but you didn't know that, did you?" i laughed as i watched him try to put himself out. "you may think you know all about demon power, but you don't. You humans will never know the limits of our power" i said as his movement started to die down. "let me tell you something Hendrickson, people like you, rather it be human, god, or demon who chase power and are willing to do anything for it are nothing but unwanted weaklings who want nothing but recognition from the people who will never love them" i said as i heard him laugh.

"whats so funny?" "the 10 commandments are coming back, all i needed was a bit of your blood to do it" Hendrickson laughed dryly. i felt a small amount of blood run down my cheek. "well ill be damned.......your more annoying than i thought!" i said as i crushed the remains of his head and ripped out his heart, checking to make sure he didn't have more. when i noticed he didn't have more i ate the only one he had.

"...huh? tastes like a burnt marshmello.....i like burnt marshmallows"

(ok yall im sorry i been gon!! im back now...possibly. i just started my sophomore year of highschool and i got me a few lil delulu boo boo's to chase after until i manage to kidnap- I MEAN catch one. but ill try to upload more often, especially with my honors and AP classes and graduating early cuz fuck school its done nothing but make me cry and and start going gray. so i might also come out with a spider into/across/beyond the spider verse fanfic once all my stories have possibly edited fully and updated more so stay tuned for those and enjoy yalls day!)

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