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"Huh? Who are you?" She said looking over at a girl in a red dress. "You we're supposed to die!" She said. "Why?" She said getting a good look at her. "You, your the one who gave me the drink me" she said.

Flash back: my pov~

"Your apart of the seven deadly sins right?" I heard. "Yea I am?" I said looking at the ginger girl. "Please take this as an offering or as a thanks for all you've done" she said handing me a drink. "Oh thank you not a lot of people so nice things for me" I said with a smile as I drink it. It tastes slightly funny.


"You all stand guilty and are to be executed" the judge said. I felt sick, my friends were going to be killed! 'Take the blame' 'yea you can't let yourself get off while the people who say they love you die' 'you'd be a terrible friend of you did' 'you should be executed' 'you were never worth anything' 'all you do is destroy and kill' 'a death that fits you' 'do it'

"I did it" I said. " excuse me?" He said. "I killed the king, myself and I'll finish the rest of the kingdom off as well" I said.

Back to now~

"You were supposed to die!" she yelled as she was caught in something. "How dare you talk to (y/n) like that" Merlin said with a calm voice. The calmer the voice the angerier she was. "Now do as your told and go back to the kings room and do as lap dogs do" Merlin said letting her go. "Thanks Merlin" I said. " no problem I'm always here for you" she said.

Little did I know how much more was happening behind closed doors 

yandere seven deadly sins x black! busty! readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat