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"what are you going to say at my funeral now that you've killed me _______? Here lies the body of the women who's heart I broke?" "If I couldn't have you no one could I can fix you tho" "you may be able to fix me but it won't fix the memory of my death I won't forget anything even how the whole story started"


I can't tell how long it's been since I've seen daylight. Everywhere I go it's always black! I can see my body perfectly fine but everything else is black.

I walked around and feel the grass and rocks, I've almost drowned several times. MAN, THIS SOME' OL BULLSHIT!

"What are you doing out here you cute little thing well you're little to me because I'ma giant!" I heard. The voice sounded so familiar so annoyingly shrill.

"My name is Diane do you have a name?" He asked. "I knew your voice was so familiar!" I said.

"Wow to bad I can't understand you" she said. "What's this gunk around your eyes?" She said.

There was something around my eyes? "Here I'll take you back to Elizabeth and she can fix you all up!" She said as she started walking.

This bitch must be huge. "Elizabeth I have something for you!" She yelled.

"God damn bitch! Quiet down!" I yelled back at her. "Wow you must be really excited to get that gunk off of your eyes" Diane laughed.

"BITCH- you know what I give up" I said as I sat down. "Captain look what I brought home," Diane said.

"Wow it's a pretty black wolf now that I think about it, it looks really familiar its giving off (y/n)'s chaotic aura," he said. Diane sat me down as I sniffed my way around.

"Why is there another animal in here?" I heard. It smells like a pig....a sweet.....plump.....delicious pig.

"Why is it looking at me like that?" It said. I ran after it bumping into tables and walls.

"Ha you stupid wolf you could never catch me hahaha!" It laughed.

I. Hate. Being. Mocked.

"Awe what happened to you?" I heard someone say. She hugged me petting my fur.

"All you need is a nice bath and then that gunk should come right off" she said picking me up. Well trying to.

"Sir meliodis could you help me?" She asked. Meliodis?! "Wow, she's squirming!" She said.

"Hey calm down!" "Hell, no bitch I'm stuck like this because of you!" I said.

"Hey, you almost bit me!" He said. I stopped moving as who I'm guessing was Elizabeth put me in a tub of cold water. It felt nice to be in the water and not be drowning until I was sprayed with something.

"What the hell is this?!" I yelled. "Calm down I'm just cleaning you off!" She said. "Oh... continue" I said.

She washed the soap off of me and sat in front of me. I could tell because her heartbeat was close to me.

"Alright this might hurt for a quick second," she said as I left something poking my eye. My eyes felt lighter and easier to move as she started on the other eye.

She rubbed something on my eyes, and gently separated them. "Ok open them," she said.

I opened them quickly regretting the decision. "My eyes! They burn!" I yelled.

"Oh right I should have brought you inside for that sorry" she said. "Ya think!" I said.

"No need to bark loudly" she said. "These bitches really can't here me" I said as my eyes adjusted to the light.

yandere seven deadly sins x black! busty! readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora