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My pov~
Baste prison....smells like ass. "Time to find my baby" I said looking around the prison.

Surprisingly the place was well organized. "State your name and business here!" The gaurds said.

My ears twitched as I heard quiet psychotic laughing. "Oh there it is" I said as I walked away.

"Come back here!" They said. "No thanks" I said kicking the door, crushing both of them. I walked down the hall looking around.

It was huge there were syths, guns, knives, the farther I walked down the hall the louder the laughs got. Finally I reached the glass container my weapon was stored in.

As I put my hand on the glass the weapon kept changing forms. I opened the case as a huge alarm went off.

As I grabbed the syth I felt a rush of power come back. It was exhilarating.

It changed from a gun to another weapon

I started to spin it around in my hand, and flung it aross the Hallway. It came back to me with no issue.

"Still got it" I said walking out of the hall. There were gaurds running all over the building.

"Stop right there!" One of them said. "And if I don't?" I said.

"We will use force!" They said. "Well we'll see about that" I said throwing my weapon in the air.

They turned in mid air into two assault rifles.

(For reference)

"Don't remember it being pink but go off" I said they landed in my hands

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"Don't remember it being pink but go off" I said they landed in my hands. The bullet punched it's way through the gaurds necks, causing a gaping hole in its wake that dg filled with blood and gushed out. The gaurds fell to the ground, a pool of blood forming around them and soaked into their clothes as they choked to death on it.

"Still the baddest bitch out here" I said as I left, climbing over their bodies. I walked around looking for the exit when someone came crashing through the wall.

"CAPTAIN!" "BAN!" "hey I'm back" "(Y/N)!" Ban said.

The two ran to me pushing each other out of the way. Ban jumped on me And held onto me for dear life.

"Let me go!" I said. He just held on tighter.

He held me closer to me, sniffing my hair. "Get off of me!" I said bitting him.

"Hey you have little fangs now we match!" He said smiling. I let him go clean the blood off of my teeth with my tongue.

"Awe you too sexy!" He said kissing my cheek. I kicked him off of me, causing him to fly through a few walls.

"Again!" He said. "Ooh (y/n) me too!" Meliodis said as I kicked him.

I looked back at Diane who was staring down at me twirling her hair in her finger. "Where's Elizabeth wasn't she with you two?" I asked.

"Yea she and the doctors daughter are in my bag" she said. "I don't know who that is but come-on let's get out of here" I said as I started walking away.

There was a barrier around the building. I rolled my eyes as I snapped my fingers.

The barrier disappeared as we all walked out. Still got it.

"Alright I have my weapon who's next?" I said looking back at them. "I'm here (y/n) isn't that enough?" Ban said.



"Oh father I thought you were gone!" Someone cried. "Who the hell is crying in here?" I said peaking into the room.

A doctor and his daughter were having a family moment. Makes me sick.

"How are you still alive?" Hawk asked. "I'm not sure at all" he said.

"Good you alive can we leave now?" I asked adjusting my top. "At least let us treat you to a meal" he said.

"No" "don't be like that (y/n) you can treat us to a meal" meliodis said.


We all sat at the table waiting for food to be ready. "Lady (y/n) I have a question" Elizabeth asked.

"What is it?" I said. "why do you wear such revealing clothes not that I'm judging you I just wanna know" she said.

"Because it's so I don't get to hot plus I just like it" I said as I picked up a drink. It felt so nice to finnaly be able to drink something cold.

Drink after drink I felt more relaxed and easy going. Ban was completely drunk.

"Hey (y/n) I gotta question did we hook up a while back?" Ban asked. "I don't remember but if we did I'm pretty sure it was the best day of my life!" I said drunken.

3rd person pov~

The three of them stared at ban in disbelief. There's no way ban could have hooked up with (y/n) he had to of forced her to.

(y/n) was always so nice and calm when she was drunk. "To be honest I'm pretty sure if I hooked up with any of you it would be the best night of my life" she laughed.

"You know I may have been mad before but I love you guys!" She said as she started crying. "Even you Elizabeth!" She cried.

Everyone's hearts started racing with every kind word she said. By the end of her little speech everyone fell farther in love with her.

"Come on calm down some eat" the doctors daughter said. (y/n) got up and started eating.

"I love you" she said. The daughter blushed as she giggled.

"Awe (y/n)" she said hugging her. Suddenly the room was full of hate from three people.

"Wait (y/n) where will you sleep?" Hawk said. "You know I never thought of that I guess I could stay with ban seems like the easiest choice" she said.

"How would it be?!" Meliodis asked. "Because while I love you meli and you give the best boob massages I would love it if you asked before you did, with Diane you amazing but I don't like it when you accidentally crush me in your sleep, Elizabeth I just met you today, and with ban he already loves some one" she said.

Ban nodded knowing he was lying. Everyone else knew he was too. "We should go to Bed come on ban" she said as ban followed her like a lost puppy

Meliodis pov~

No no no no! This wasn't supposed to happen!

(y/n) was supposed to sleep with me God damn it not him! who knows what ban could do to my angel!

"Sir meliodis you looking a little red are you ok?" The doctor asked. "Y-yea I'm f-fine" I said my eye, eyebrow and the corner of my mouth twitching as I tryed to pull a smile.

I'm going to kill ban in his sleep

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