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I sighed looking around where I was. I was in a cell not even a nice one. What a drag. "I see your finally wake" a lady said. "And I see you stuffed your bra before you got here" I said rolling my eyes. I sneezed after a few seconds. "Do you ever bother to dust around here?" I asked as she disappeared. "So damn sensitive"


Guila and Jericho walked down the hall with the rest of the holy knights but there was something on guila's mind. 'she protected my brother and got rid of the bullies' with that thought guila's heart raced at the thought of (y/n) taking care of zeal. 'i can't be in love with her! But yet I would do anything for her love and attention' she though. "Hey guila what's wrong?" Jericho asked. "Nothing much just thinking about an interaction I had with apholis a few days ago" she said. Jericho got angry at the mention of her nick name. "That bitch took my soul and gave me a replacement!" "It's not like you were going to use it" guila mumbled. "You say something?" "No continue" "just because she has all of those curves and ass and breasts she thinks she can just step on people!" "She can step on me" "ok now I know you have to be saying something unless I need to get my ears checked" Jericho said. 

"Im sure your just hearing things through the walls" she said. 

 With author~

Hendrickson lead author to an area of town. "So you never explained why you are here" he said. "I was on a mission to find (y/n) I heard about her and wanted to meet her we'll see her again i haven seen her in ten years" he said. "I'm sorry but (y/n) is dead" he lied. Arthur froze. "(y/n) no that can't be do you know how?" He asked. "She was stricken down in a suclided area" he said. Arthur could tell he was lying. '(y/n) would never let herself be stricken down she knows how to heal and save her life energy he lying to me' he thought. "What a shame she was so young I wish I could have known her better" he said getting ready to strike. 

Back to you~

I couldn't break the door down with raw strength or regular magic. "Sigh I never thought I would have to use this again" I said biting the tip of my thumb, making it bleed. I drew a pentagram on the wall and climbed through it making sure it closed. "The demon pass way I haven seen this in years!" I said walking through. this is where demons come through to the human relm and where the 10 commandments and being held.i walked over the where they were being held. "Wow they haven't ages a bit derieri your still as naked as always, molascula you still wear the same old one peice and thigh highs, gloxinia I never had an issue with you, you were always so sweet" I said giving him a small kiss on the cheek. There was a black lip print on his face. When did I put on black lipstick. I looked down seeing my body start to turn into my demon form. Right can't say in here to long. 

I opened another portal and passed through into town. Many people were rushing to get out of the way it was annoying. I sniffed the air and many familiar dents hit my enhanced nose. "That little boy that I saved" I said following the sent. "Hey kid remember me" I said making a barrier to stop the two of us from being hit. "Y-your the pretty lady who helped me" he said. "Yea I never got your name kid" I said a s people started beating on the barrier like that was gonna do something. "My name is zeal" he said as I picked him up. 

With diane~

"Come on king I'm stuck!" Diane said. King had no interest in helping her just (y/n). "Why should I?!' king saidd. "Because if you don't (y/n) might be touched int he wrong places!" Diane said peaking his interest. "So I have to touch your but" he said disappointedly. "Give me a minute let me imagine it's (y/n)'s......AWE AMN ITS NOT WORKING YOUR TO LIGHT TO BE (Y/N)!" king said. 

After the dilemma~

She was all bloody and bruised. But the blood wasn't hers. She has stoped on and crushed many holy knights that got in her way. "Where is (y/n) Dreyfus?" She said seriously. "Why do you need to know" "because that's the love of my life I need to know where she is at all times" she said getting closer to his face. For sl.e reason this sparked jealously in guila. 'how dare she say she loves (y/n)! Disregarding everyone's feeling toward her!' guila thought. "You think she's all high and mighty" Jericho said. "yes I do is there an issue? (y/n) is a goddess and she will be treated as such" Diane said with no hesitation. She was serious, extremely. "She isn't a that! She's nothing but a big breasted cowered using other people to fight her battles-" "Jericho pleas be quiet she has a magical treasure with her we have no chance against it" gil said. "are you sure your not just a flat chested idiot?" She said. "No one disrespects (y/n) to my face!"

With the trio~

The battle field was covered in blood so we're meliodis ban and gowther. Neither minded though. "why is everyone being so calm and quiet?' ban asked. "It's a simple spell after a while they noticed and snap out of it the memories of being put under it get deleted" gowther said. "Don't you dare use that on (y/n)!" Ban and meliodis said. "I can't promise" he said. The two got annoyed. "Plus I am aware of what you two did to (y/n)'s body when's she was in a good comma. I can tell her, she would just end up hating your though" gowther said cleaning off his glasses. "who told you!" Ban said. " It's quite simple I read your minds, but if you don't want me to tell (y/n) about the little scandal then she is mine for the rest of the month" he said. "Yea right" they said. "Ok then remember you brought this apon yourselves (y/n), (y/n),(y/n)" gowther said as (y/n) popped out of nowhere holding a child. 

The two were shocked and remembered what she could do when she's angry. Poor guy he was just trying to cut the grass, at 9:00 in the morning. "Hey I forgot I could do that but you need something?" She asked. Gowther looked at them and back to (y/n). "I have something to tell you ban and meliodis have been-" "loving the way you do your hair" ban said. "Yea it's so curly and kinky and all smooth and shiney I wish my hair did that!" Meliodis said. "Ok.....I. gonna go" she said teleporting away. "Fine you can have her don't go getting crazy ok r well kill you out selves!" Meliodis threatened. "I thank you for your cooperation I will enjoy my time with her be sure to let everyone else know or else I'll expose them too"

Back to you boo~

I help zeal in my arms as many people were still running passes. I looked over seeing Diane on the verge of death. "Damn_ I said as she collapsed. "ZEAL!" I heard. I rolled my eyes as guila ran to me. I was holding Diane up by the boobs while zeal had his head buried in in mine. "Oh zeal your ok!" She said taking him from me "sigh kai kai" I said as Diane shrunk and disappeared. I looked down at my stomach seeing a mini Diane in my glass stomach pouch. "Great she should heal in there" I said. Guila was looking at me in a love struck way.

"You know (y/n) you not as bad as people say you are"

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