M1SS1ØN 1: Homophobical E̷̤̕ǹ̸͇c̷͕̈́o̸̺͝ú̵̠n̵̠͊ṭ̷̅e̴̩̐r̴͔̒

Start from the beginning

Oh... that sucks

You should probably need some therapy man

Katie and Jade pecked each other on the cheeks.

So... you guys are on a date? Like I've never seen girls dating a girl before

Oh, they are called lesbians. It is denoting or relating to women who are sexually or romantically attracted exclusively to other women, or to sexual attraction or activity between women. It's a part of the LGBTQ Community.


Jade asked as the both of them took each other's hands and made their way to the door. They talked for a while before being interrupted by someone.

Hey, Can I talk to you for a second?

Yep, that was Derek Miller. Well he wasn't just a stranger to Katie and Jade, and in fact tried to befriend one of the girls, before finding out that they were both queer. He always tried convincing them that it 'was just a phase' or that 'they just haven't found the right man yet' even though Katie and Jade knew full well what they wanted, and it was each other.

Oh... hmmm...

Yeah, scanning them crap out of him. Derek Miller.
So he doesn't like supporting LGBTQ Community and just apparently a homophobic guy, Hydro.

Not right now Derek, we're filiming something in the park for a project.

Can we just talk this later?

A slight annoyance in her voice. But he didn't budge.

Well Excuse me, have you maybe to be considered just being friends and not rubbing your... HOMOSEXUAL agenda in everyone's faces?

[low voice] oh boy... this isn't good, we should not consider violence here...

Derek as he remarked. Katie started to get choked up, but tried not to cry.

Derek, we seriously don't have time, we have to go.

Jade told him as she gripped Katie's hand tighter. The crowd tries to watch them.

You guys say you're all happy, but don't come crying to me when the both of you are burning in He-

You suck.

Hydro, seriously?

If you don't slope through right now I will rip your face off...

Hydro tries to clench his fist.

[scoffs] Fine.

God damn it. Whatever, you as you please.

Hydro and the others instantly get going, after...

[To Katie] You guys say you're all happy, but don't come crying to me when the both of you are burning in Hell.

The crowd even said "oooh!" or "ouch!". Hydro instantly heard the sword 'Hell'.

Burning... In Hell?

That was the last straw for Katie, as she ran to the nearest bathroom, tears coming out of her eyes uncontrollably.


Jade yelled as she tried to get her back. She followed her into the bathroom. Hydro stares at Derek menacingly. Derek coldly sweats in front of Hydro.

I'm so going to kill the s**t out of you right now

Hydro, Dirk, and Hanna went onto the bathroom where Katie is at. Violence is never a solution, it's a question, and the answer is yes. As Jade walked in, she heard Katie sobbing, and not the quiet kind. Her cries were loud, and the more Jade listened, the more her heart hurt. She made her way to the stall Katie was crying in, and she knocked softly.

Hey, can I come in..?

Jade asked. The sound of the stall unlocking gave Jade her answer. As she walked in, Katie's head was in her knees, and her glasses lay on the floor. Jade sat next to her as she hugged her, feeling her sob.

I'm so sorry, babe, I wish it would stop too.

She whispered to her.

But he's just mad because he can't get a girlfriend of his own.

Jade joked with her, as Katie let out a weak laugh. Katie lift up her head from Jade's chest, her eyes bloodshot and her face covered in tears.

What the heck was that? And who the hell was that guy?

That's Derek Miller, there are so many homophobes in this college school

I know, but no matter how many times we tell him, I'm pretty sure he won't stop.

Jade said with slight disappointment in her words.

But we can always try to ignore him, right?

Katie suggested.

Yeah, or we can resort to violence.

Jade joked as they both laughed at the thought. Dirk and Hanna waved when the 3 got out, they went outside, holding hands and laughing. They knew Derek was watching, but they could care less about his opinion. Hydro suddenly wants to... he looked at his hand, his hand was a killing machine, his left hand. More lethal, more violence, and more of a hand that makes eyes and mouth. He clenched it not to show one of his friends. He never talked to it. But I'm sure he will.

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