21:20 pm

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Why does bad things happen to me when I'm happy
I finally found someone that I love talking to
She got me smiling again
She's the reason why I still check my phone
A day after I say that I'm done with girls
She decides to show up
Crazy how our relationship started by talking about how trash our English teachers are
Nah we're not dating, and we'll never date
I just end up being their best friends or close friends
And then they leave me and have a boyfriend

The same time she decides to show up
My wifi stops working out of nowhere
I came home from school thinking that I'm going to get messages from her
But I didn't, the only notification I got was " there's no internet connection"
I guess it's because of the consistent rolling blackouts
This isn't the first time my wifi had done this
But it decides to do this when I'm itching to get messages from her

These last few weeks, I've been really depressed
Yeah I know that I've said it before
But I still am and there still hasn't been a reason to not be
Valentine's Day, old wounds started bleeding again
My ear drum popped 2 weeks later, I get sick
A week later I'm okay
The following week I'm sick again, my eardrum is sore again
I'm losing connection with my best friend
I fell in love with a very pretty girl, but we're not gonna date cause we're strangers
I can't just wake up out of nowhere and start to know her
I don't have the social skills to do so
I had a very bad fight with my brother
I know siblings fight all the time, but I don't usually fight with them
And my suicidal thoughts almost got revealed

I think it's time to end these useless friendships
I can't end them because I keep on thinking that they're gonna come back and maybe patch things up
I'm specifically referring to the former bright star of my life
I know that she's made a habit of getting close to people and to just disconnect from them
She does message you once in a blue moon to try and disturb your healing process
I am where I am because of her, I wanted to kill myself because of her
And I just wanna end all good relationships before it gets to far because of her
I kept on saying that I'm gonna get over her and fuck her and everything else
But I just couldn't, you might have read in my previous ones
But now I'm finally ready to get over her, she's gotten too comfortable in my mind and my heart
It's time that i kick her out of there

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