The vines

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I wanna move on but i don't know what's holding me back
It's like I'm trying to break out of these vines but they keep holding me back
As they are holding me back there's a vine that touches both my heart and my mind
As it touches my heart it starts beating fast and I start to feel something that I don't know how to describe
As the other vine touches my mind memories from the last 5 years start to play on loop
But there's just way too many painful memories that I can't remember
There's only a few that I'm able to remember
And these all include different girls that only have one thing in common and that's the way we ended
That's why they stand out from all the other memories

I loved them all so much
Only 2 of them tried to show that they loved me but that just wasn't enough to break this curse
The other few couldn't care less and that's what strengthens this curse that I've been casted with

I hope one day I find the witch that casted this curse on me
Cause I'm so sick and tired going through the same memories everyday

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