Lala pt 2

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i don't know why i love her, her personality clashes with mine in every way possible
she's so violent, crazy, annoying and too active
she's in love with another woman, but she looks at me as if she wants me to fall in love with her
that look she gives me, it's...... it's so astonishing that it pulls me into a trance, where everything suddenly becomes dark and foggy
visions of us doing things we've never done before suddenly appear, there are visions of us hugging, kissing, and going on dates these visions looked so real that i almost thought that they actually happened
suddenly these visions disappear and all that's left is me nd a dark foggy room and left to just wonder, aimlessly
after wondering for some i start to hear her voice, but it was so soft that i couldn't hear it properly 
her voice started getting gradually louder, it got so loud that it bounced of the walls to an echo what i heard was "i love you" and the echo started fading, the fading echo brings me back to reality, it brings me back to moment where her gaze met mine and i started drifting off

she is too insane, violent, energetic and annoying but i am still in love 
when she smiles at me, everything becomes blurry as i focus on her smile
as i focus on her smile all my problems seems to just disappear


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