Peaches ( part 2)

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She got a man now and I ain't ever seen her so happy
No I don't see her, I haven't seen her since last year April
She blocked me from her socials
I was so desperate to see how she was doing
So now I stalk her on a fake account
Call me whatever you wanna call me but she was one of my closest friends
She was part of the minority that actually cared and loved me for who I am
But now she's part of the majority that don't
I am still confused by why she blocked me
All I ever did was love and care for her
But if that's not enough to keep her in my close circle then who's to say that the people whom are inside aren't going to go?
I've seen my closest friends just disappear without a word

I don't know what's wrong with me
So would someone please tell me why I keep losing my closest friends when all I've ever done was love them?

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