I wanna leave but I can't

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I keep on trying to runaway from you
But something keeps on pulling me back, like Horizon's black hole
I can't figure out what is in the black hole that keeps on pulling me back
I hope that I find it soon because I don't know what I'll do if I keep on loving on you
There's a small piece of me that hates you for what you did
But majority of me forgives you, even though it knows that you'll do it again and again
Maybe, it's the memories that keeps on pulling me back because whenever i feel like I'm done with this life
Just a thought of you and what we've done together, gives me the strength to continue
But when I think about how our relationship just ended in the middle without warning, I just wanna forget about you and move on
But I can't
Even though we don't talk a lot right now, I somewhat feel a strong connection
But that connection grows weaker and weaker every day

But god damnit I just wanna leave you
I'm so sick and tired of feeling like this
But at the same I don't, a piece of me thinks that our relationship is some how going to get repaired not with patches, but with new and stronger parts
But I don't want to stick around to find out
I think that our relationship has reached its limits, it can't go into the water anymore

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