To all the girls who did me wrong

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The same person who used to randomly check up on me,
woke up one day and decided to block me
That same person asked for my advice,
took it and said that it was good advice
Another person used to send me vns telling me that she loves me,
she just disappeared without warning, like how the sun shines after rain
Another girl blocked me for telling her that I miss  her
I used to call another girl the bright star,
cause she used to brighten up my world
I told another girl that I was someone else
Because he forced me to
We got to know each other and I fell in love
As soon as I told you who I was
You started to treat me like I'm a stranger
And you decided to date the person
who forced me to tell you that I was him

This all happened in the span of 2 years
But I'm still here giving advice to those who need it

To all the girls who did me wrong:
FUCK YOU, I hope you all die a slow horrible death

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