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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

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Helaena's chambers.

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Aemond couldn't meet his sister's gaze as he sat with her, watching as her children played with one of the maids. He knew Helaena had feelings for Baelon, but he didn't feel sorry for the acts he had committed.

Not in the slightest.

"You seem quiet." Helaena mumbled, in her hand was a small book, a book given to her by their mother. "Sorry sister, I understand you want my company, but my mind is stuck in the clouds." Aemond says, looking over at her, admiring his beautiful sister. He values these times with her, it's quiet without Aegon and the rest.

Helaena hums, tilting her head as she takes in her brother's face. "Daeron visited me, he finally came out of his room to interact with civilization." Helaena says with a small smile. Aemond chuckles.

"You know how he is, stubborn to a fault. Ever since mother caught him with a whore, he hasn't been able to show his face out of shame." Aemond says "he's so unlike Aegon, and it was him that got Daeron in that bloody situation." Helaena sighs.

"Why did he seek you out?" Aemond asks, curious. "He wanted to apologize, he believed that the act had hurt me. He begged for my forgiveness. I told him that it brought no shame to me, unlike the acts Aegon commits." Helaena says

"We'll he does believe you are to be the next queen once Aegon ascends, he holds you and mother so high a pedestal, it's amusing." Aemond says "But I won't be queen, that title belongs to Rhaenyra." Helaena says, her fingers tightening around the book.

"Mother would have your head if she heard you say that." Aemond says "She's changed Aemond, ever since Rhaenyra came, they've been closer than ever, you could never see one without the other." Helaena says

Helaena leans forward and places a hand on her brother's wrist. "Things are changing around here Aemond, for the better." Helaena says

"I don't believe that if not mother then grandfather, his mind remains unchanged." Aemond reminds "he's not king brother, and once she ascends, I'll be free, and so will you." Helaena says proudly

"Free of what sister?" Aemond asks, confused. Helaena laughs, "I'll be free of my duties as a wife, as a future queen. It's a dream I've been holding tightly to, I understand you don't see things as I do, but that's perfectly fine. Just understand that I'm content with my future." Helaena says

Aemond smiles softly. "I won't take that from you then, I promise." Aemond offers


Daeron stepped out of his room, his long hair brushed past his shoulders. The boy was just fourteen years of age. He stood tall, above the normal average of his age.

A Royal Play • Aemond Targaryen जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें