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129 A.C.

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A young male pants heavily as he runs deeply through the dark woods, his heart racing as he attempts to keep in pace with the dragon flying above him. It's silvery scales glinting against the sunlight.

At the age of ten, he was rarely allowed to ride his dragon, so he trained him on foot, commanding the wild beast. He was stubborn and fearsome, just like his father.

His mother always worried that he would one day fly off and never return. But he takes every chance he can to be the best.

He hears a chuckle as Sir Harwin jogs a few feet behind him. Baelon grits his teeth in annoyance as he speeds up. He knows he's lacking in stamina, but he vowed to train to be the best dragon rider and warrior.


Baelon finally rests beside a tree and he pants almost breathlessly, his back pressed against the dark bark.

Harwin slowly walks over, a fond smile on his face. "Well done my Prince, this is a new record, one day you'll beat Vermithor." Harwin states "No need to tease." Baelon scowls, making Harwin chuckle, sitting beside him. "You are doing exceptionally well Baelon, you are doing more than children your age. I am proud." Harwin states

"Better than Aegon?" Baelon asks shyly, Harwin smirks. "Better than Aegon." Harwin promises, softly placing a hand on the smaller boy's shoulder.

After a moment of silence, Harwin claps his hands, startling the tired male, his eyes snapping open. He enjoyed these quiet moments, away from the drama court brought. Harwin was a bonus, he felt a special kind of connection with the older male. His presence brought him comfort and security, he knew he could let his guard down around him.

"Come on young lad, your mother is expecting us." Harwin states, grabbing Baelon by the shoulder and lifting him like a disgruntled cat.

Baelon reluctantly follows after Harwin, only to pause when the taller male does. Harwin turns to the child. "Call for him." Harwin states, making Baelon's eyes light up. "Really?!" Baelon asks, excited.

Harwin smiles, nodding. "But I have to be there, as terrifying as that thought is, I have to be there." Harwin says

Baelon bounces on his feet excitedly, lifting his hand and placing two fingers between his lips and whistling sharply. Harwin watched as the environment changed, the trees were pushed back and dirt and dust circled them.

Vermithor lands with a large thud on solid ground.

Baelon runs towards him, excited, Harwin swallows harshly. Baelon turns to Harwin. "Come on!" Baelon yells, placing a soft hand on his rumbling dragon. Harwin shakes his head, "No! I said I'll be here to watch you off, not that I would fly with you." Harwin exclaims

Baelon pouts, "Come on, it'll be fun, please Sir Harwin." Baelon begs

Harwin takes a deep breath and he finally steps forward, his heart pounding in his chest as the large dragon rustles. Baelon smiles brightly, as the two mount the large dragon, the young boy calming the dragon as he senses the foreign rider.

Baelon grabs the chains and he makes sure he and his guard are safely clipped on. "Hold on." Baelon orders, a wide smile spreading on his lips.

"Oh lord." Harwin breaths

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