Ch 1 : Final Confrontation

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A rock skittered across the hot asphalt, tumbling across the road from where it had been kicked. A redheaded teen chuckled, watching the rock bounce again as a car ran it over, ending its journey before it reached the other side of the street. The boy grinned, shaking his head as he continued walking down the sidewalk.

‘Near miss.’

Western Washington's town of Deluge wasn’t exactly known for being hot or dry until later in June. Regardless, heatwaves rose from the roads and buildings in the early June morning, coloring the air with the memories of the space behind. City hall across the lake was almost too blinding in this light to look at, but Wesley found himself unable to resist, squinting at the building before he grimaced, pulling his eyes away. Instead, another rock caught his interest, receiving a similar kick across the road to the first.

Hoisting his backpack higher, Wesley glanced both ways, barely giving another thought as he raced across the street. Hoisting his backpack higher, he skipped as he made it to the sidewalk on the other side. Pulling out his phone, he checked the time.

‘Five minutes.’

He swore under his breath, shoving the phone back into his pocket. Picking up his pace, he jogged a few more blocks, sighing in relief as he caught sight of the red-brick building. He could faintly hear the bell, warning him that class was about to start.

“Should've listened to Morgue..” He murmured quietly, cursing to himself.

He ran to the front of the building, nodding to the receptionist who offered a calm “No running” as he moved past, barely slowing to a speed walk. Still rushing, he checked his phone again.

‘One minute.’

He slid into his classroom just as the bell went off, gaze falling to an occupied seat at the front of the room. Smiling as green eyes met blue, he slid into the opposite seat. His companion rolled their eyes, offering a small smile.

“Almost late.”

“I know.”

“Hell of a way to end the year, you know.”

“What is?”

“Oh, you know.” They flashed him a small grin. “Being late. They’d expect it from me, but you?”

“Oh, shove it.”

Wesley kicked them under the table, laughing as they huffed.

“Morgan Adams?”

Wesley’s companion looked to the front of the room.


They looked back, Wesley chuckling slightly. Turning, he briefly caught the teacher’s eyes with his own.

“Wesley Adams?”


The teacher went down the roster as the pair continued between themselves, Morgan’s eyes narrowing as Wesley laughed again.

“We only have three days left, Wes! Shouldn’t leave for high school cutting it that close.”

“Oh, relax!”

They rolled their eyes, and Wesley smiled. His eyes caught Morgan’s when they focused back on him, and he smiled wider. They scoffed, averting their eyes, lips twitching upward slightly. Wesley’s smile only grew as he caught the shift, relaxing his grin slightly as Morgan’s expression neutralized.

The teacher’s end-of-year lecture passed through one ear and out the other. Wesley twirled his pencil, eyes flickering between the teacher’s board and Morgan’s sketchbook as his head rested on his palm. He found the latter more interesting; catching Morgan’s eye momentarily, they offered a weak glare as they returned to drawing, pencil quickening as though they realized their muse may move due to boredom.

Light and ShadowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora