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late valentines day special

High chance there are grammar mistakes. This was written awhile ago for funsies when my friend and i were making quick stories on the spot for fun. Don't expect it to be that well written.

Warning: really short, like really short


(C/N) = Crush name (by this, any ninjago character you crush on)


You were sitting down at a school dance, specifically a valentines dance. you had to attend and all you were doing was sulking in the corner. This was usually a horrible day for you, everyone had a valentine or a partner besides you. You were atleast hoping (c/n) would ask you but of course, you brought your expectations to high and they obviously didnt. The ninja were happily chatting with eachother but you currently werent in the best mood right now and told them you needed some time alone. They gave you worried looks but decided to let you go off, all of them respecting your boundaries.You did notice (c/n) wasnt there, oddly enough. Weren't they there seconds ago?

Disappointed you didnt have anyone to dance with, wishing you couldve changed yourself sooner, blaming yourself for not being perfect nor desirable. You lowered your head down, frowning. All you wanted was to have a fun night but entering the building, you felt uncomfortable, the majority of the people had partners, making you feel left out. Plus, it was too loud for your liking, your ears felt like they were physically bleeding and the loudness made you feel distressed.

However, your miserable night might be fixed as someone came up to you.

"Will you be my valentine?" The person asked politely, hovering over your figure.

You hesistated, should you accept or not? The voice sounded familiar but it couldnt be them.. right?

You chose to look up, slowly tilting your neck upwards to get a good view who it was. It was...



Shall i make a oneshot book for ninjago or nah

Im writing the fourth chapter its just I need to clean my room and need to memorize shit again 😭

(Written on my phone so its not pretty format like usual)

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