Rhian stared at me, before he followed my eyeline to the corner of the room.

"You're seeing him again, aren't you?"

"And if I was?" I shot back. "I don't see a problem with it."

Rhian shot to his feet. "You nearly lost your cool at the dinner with Sophie! If we want her to trust us, you have to get this more under control."

"I'm trying," I groaned.

"I don't understand why you can't get this through your head. Rafal is dead."

I grit my teeth.

"You think I don't know that?"

Then I turned away, wiping my eyes before he could see the tears.

Rafal smiled sadly at me.

I heard Rhian sigh behind me. "Y/n," he said, softer, his voice closer than before. "I know it's hard. Especially with you marrying me—"

"This is not a marriage," I said immediately. "This is a business partnership. There is no love between us."

"Maybe not the kind you had with Rafal," Rhian conceded, "but I do care about you. As a friend. As a partner." His voice was closer now. "I want to make sure you're okay."

I glanced down at the ring on my finger, and my eyes filled with fresh tears.

"It was supposed to be him," I choked out, voice cracking.

I turned back to Rhian.

"All of this." I glanced around the room. My lip quivered. "He was supposed to be here too."

Rhian touched my shoulder sympathetically, and that's when I broke down.

He drew me into his chest as I sobbed.

"I know," he soothed, smoothing back my hair. "I know."

Rafal was still with me by the time I had changed into a dress made of white lace and donned a diamond tiara.

"You look beautiful," he said.

"Thank you, darling," I said to the empty wall before exiting the queen's chambers, ready to get this Blessing over with.


I sat on the throne, Rhian atop his own to my side. He was clutching a mug as he perused a large box of green marbles, holding up each one and peering into it like a spyglass.

And we weren't alone. The Mistral Sisters lurked at the base of the steps beneath the stage, cloaked in shadow. Two pirate guards in helmets and full armor stood on either side of them. The sisters seemed tense, their bare feet twitching, as they watched Rhian gaze into each green marble in the box.

"These are the RSVPs to the wedding," he said. "Many rulers sent messages, showing me how excited their kingdoms are about their new king and queen." With a lit finger, he floated a handful of green marbles into the air, which cast smoky green projections of scenes from around the Woods: magic carpets departing in Shazabah from a station labeled "WEDDING TOURS," with mile-long lines of passengers waiting their turn; a beachside congregation in Ooty, where thousands gathered to watch Lionsmane's new tale glow against the northern lights; a fierce competition in Maidenvale to see who would represent the kingdom in the Circus of Talents.

"Every kingdom in the Endless Woods accepted the invitation," said Rhian. "Every single one."

Then he held up a red marble from the box.

"Except this one."

His eyes lowered to the three hags. "And its leader was kind enough to send a message too."

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