Chapter 20 - Enter the Pirate Hunter

Start from the beginning

Lue had a head placed on the wall, he was looking as Luffy went to Zoro's direction again.

"Hm..." He smiled, because he saw Luffy go into the base direction (wrong direction), probably for the swords as he recalls.

"Not that way idiot!" Zoro exclaimed.

"Oh...Gomu Gomu no...Rocket!" Luffy shot himself in the other direction.

"Hahaha!" Lue laughed.

"What's that guy..." Zoro murmured. As Luffy rumbled through the base Coby came to untie the ropes around Zoro's arms.

"You need to run away, Zoro-san!" he said.

"They'll hang you if you'll help me!" Zoro warned.

"I don't like what they're doing here...but even though I want to become a marine!" The boy answered.

"Stop it, I can't run away, I have the agreement!"

"They said tomorrow is your execution." Lue just appeared beside them.

"Wah! Luerion-san!" Coby flinched.

"What?!" Zoro didn't know who it was but he was concerned with that thing - his execution?!

"They weren't going to keep their word." Lue crossed his arms.

"That's why Luffy-san punched him." Coby added. Zoro's eyes widened.

"What a wretch..." He murmured.

"Marines are going after Luffy-san. I won't tell you to become a pirate, but please help him once." Coby begged. Zoro looked at Lue, who's eyes were showing really nothing, but he nodded. "If he's the one to save you then you save him." Zoro was looking up before him.

"Stop!" Someone exclaimed. Coby stopped untying the ropes, Zoro looked at them with Lue.

"For helping a criminal escape you are sentenced to death!" Morgan, who was about 30 cm taller than Lue, stood tall behind the marines soldiers.

"Oh..." Lue smirked. Coby cried and Zoro clenched his teeth.

"You have some nerve trespassing on my territory." Morgan warned. He then looked at Zoro. "And you wanted to rebel with this knucklehead!"

"I always fight alone! Opposite of you." Zoro exclaimed back. Morgan looked at Lue...who was glaring at them for some time. Morgan flinched.

'Who is this guy...even Smoker-san doesn't have such an aura...I better ignore him for now, he doesn't help them I see, so maybe he is not with them...' He thought.

"D-Don't get me wrong, Roronoa Zoro. Whoever you might be, you're just rubbish to me!" He stuttered in the first half. "Aim." He said and the marines pointed their guns at the three.

"Egh?!" Coby trembled and he looked at Lue, who's eyes were shadowed. He had his arms crossed and chest pumped. "Huh?"

'I can't...die here!' Zoro thought.

"Gomu Gomu no..." Luffy said as he stretched his arms against the window frame.

"Fire!" Morgan exclaimed.

"Rocket!" Luffy shot himself out of the room. In the blink of an eye he found himself on the ground. The bullets went into his body.

"LUFFY-SAN!" Coby exclaimed and Zoro's eyes widened. Lue smirked.

"Straw Hat." The bullets then...stretched Luffy's skin and he shot them in another direction.

It's no use!" He exclaimed. One bullet went beside Morgan's head. "Hahahaha! I told ya I'm strong!" He laughed.

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