Chapter 18

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Lisa’s room had been turned upside down. All the drawers were open and the contents scattered on the floor. The curtains and bed sheet were ripped apart and sliced by what seemed like a utility knife.

Jungkook rushed in as soon as he heard her scream and immediately called the police. With her face ashen, Lisa went to the police station to give her statement.

The policemen searched around her room to find clues about the culprit. Since her passbook was missing, the police looked at the possibility of theft.

“How about staying in my apartment today?”

After providing her police statement and filling out the necessary paperwork, Jungkook asked gently while supporting Lisa’s shoulders. Lisa glanced at him but did not respond.

“You can also stay at a nearby hotel, but please let me send you there. I’m extremely worried..”


Lisa was still in a state of shock that her voice came out very soft, it was barely audible.

“But first, we have to go back to the apartment to pack up a few things. Is that okay?”

Lisa nodded weakly.

It was already 2 o’clock in the morning.


After the police left, her room was as messy as expected. The drawers were still open and all the clothes and accessories were still scattered on the floor. When she checked her phone, which she left in the room, she saw a lot of missed calls from the landlord.

Since it’s already late at night, she decided to just return the call in the morning. She picked up her Boston bag and started stuffing it with clothes and other things she might need. After packing up all the necessary stuff, she carried the bag on her shoulders.

When she stood up and scanned the room, she felt like her tears were coming back. Her body shook again and she felt so scared that the lock of hair that fell down her face spooked her.

She didn’t want to stay a second longer in the room so she decided to leave right away. Jungkook should be waiting for her outside her room.

At that moment, a ringing sound echoed from her pockets. But before realizing that the sound was only from her cellphone, Lisa screamed. She slid down and hugged herself for protection. Jungkook, who stood outside, immediately dashed in.

“Everything okay? …eh? Cellphone?”

“Ah.. yeah, I was just surprised.. Sorry.”

Lisa was still sitting down as she bowed her head in apology. Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief. When Lisa took out her phone from her pocket and glanced at the name on the screen, she blinked her eyes several times.


It was indeed his name on the incoming call screen. It was the first time he contacted her after they broke up.

Recalling their encounter the other day at the convenience store, Lisa fearfully pressed the answer button. Then his usual cheer voice, just like when they were dating, echoed from the other side of the phone.

“Oh, it got connected! What a relief that you didn’t change your number! Lisa, how are you? I’m sorry for calling late in the night. I’m drunk and I just kinda want to hear your voice. Also, I wanted to apologize for last time…”

Lisa only mumbled in response. Afterwards, he heard her light sobs over the phone.

“What’s wrong? You okay?”

Chased By Him Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz