Chapter 6

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“Mr. Jungkook, please go home!”

“I don’t want to.”

The two were arguing in front of Lisa’s room. Lisa glared at Jungkook with the door behind him. On the other hand, with his arms crossed, Jungkook looked down at her with cold eyes. Meanwhile, the locksmith the apartment manager has called gave them a sidelong glance while he worked on the replacement key.

“You entered my room so there shouldn’t be a problem if I enter yours, right?”

“There’s a HUGE problem! Normally you shouldn’t barge into a woman’s room! Please go home! There are lots of things in a woman’s room she doesn’t want others to see!”

“Oh, could it be you have underwear lying around? Personally, I don’t really mind.”

“But I DO mind!”

After frantically howling at him, Lisa created some distance between her and Jungkook. But Jungkook immediately closed that distance and in a somewhat playful tone, teased.

“Then, what is it? What is it that you cannot show?”

“Th-There’s nothing to show! In the first place, why do you want to enter my room so bad?”

Seeing that Jungkook didn’t show any signs of withdrawing, a trickle of cold sweat run down her forehead.

“I’m just curious to see what kind of life you’ve been living. I’m only gonna look around, okay? If you’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about, then isn’t it fine?

“No, no, no! If you see my room, I’d definitely die!”

“People don’t die that easily, you know. Besides, I didn’t say I wanted to stay in your room like you did, so isn’t it fine?”

Even though he looked as stoic as usual, Jungkook was absolutely enjoying the situation. Lisa was most certainly sure.

“It’s not fine! And I didn’t say I wanted to stay!”

“But you did stay right?”


Lisa felt weak at those words. She indeed stayed. And was grateful. That’s why she can’t show such a messy room to Jungkook.

(No way! It’ll be bad if he sees that room! It’ll be a huge turn off. I have to drive him away somehow…)

With the same mind that considered “letting him see her room so he could give up” a while ago, Lisa was now thinking of how ”she had to prevent him for seeing her room”.

It was then that an idea flashed in her mind.

“U-underwear! There’s underwear as expected!”

“But you were saying something different earlier. Stop lying…”



“There’s the underwear of the person I was drinking with yesterday! That person comes over often!”


Jungkook’s eyes went cold. But as frantic as she was, Lisa didn’t notice.

“You know, a married person’s wrath is not something to be trifled with! They grumble incessantly! It’s always like that when that person stays. Really, it makes you wonder what being a newlywed feels like…Hey, what’s wrong?”

“…You really don’t have any delicacy, do you?”

(Huh? He’s angry again? W-Why?)

From the coldness in Jungkook’s voice, Lisa trembled in fright.

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