23. My Heart and Her

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-Sometimes, it is too late to grasp for hands-


It was temporary.

This trap was simply a rich girl throwing a tantrum because she couldn't get the street biker boy to become her clean and polished 'yes' man. He hated such spoiled brats, hated Jasmine for thinking she would be able to punish him for her bruised ego.

She was just crazy mad because she loved a dirty boy and couldn't make him fall for her. These city girls, from the pampered streets, felt insulted by rejections, and Eliyas had butchered her bratty attitude by not only dumping her--but using her in the worst ways. 

He had no idea how she had managed to track him down, how she had got the audacity to gloat at the sight of him dumped into a police car...but he was going to put her in her place.

Once he got out, once Shoaib got some mighty loan sharks from the basement and Don to make some calls, he would be out again. And this time, he would make sure the preppy and scared-of-breaking-their-nails princesses truly understood what happened when they mingled with people from the streets. 

Both Jasmine...and Sila. 

His wife...the title made his jaw tighten in a fury. She had been the ultimate posh wannabe and was testifying against him. 

He would strangle her, ring his palms around her neck and throttle her. He would crush her foolish decision to go against him when he had shown her mercy and given her a place to stay. He knew there wasn't any room to show softness in this part of the streets, knew his wife needed to be coined in for money, but he had been having too much fun messing up with his timid prey.

Now he was fuming at her, glaring, as he stood before the podium while watching her take the stand, look at her palms and then nervously confess to how he had hurt her.  

Both his hands were tightly curled around the stand. 

Somehow, he was madder at her than Jasmine-that rat!

"He conned me into marrying him. I left my house...for him." Her voice cracked...was too quiet, conveniently avoiding his gaze, and he tried his best to not sneer in disgust. 

He hadn't forced anyone. 

She couldn't even meet his gaze when telling her the truth!


Her, Jasmine...these weak women were the ones looking for adventure and trying out their luck with plucking and cleaning a man who was below their status quo. He simply taught them a lesson about what it was truly like living on the streets. 

"Okay. Thank you for coming forward," smiled the prosecutor. 

Sila had the audacity to accept his smile.

His gaze narrowed into malice. 

Pathetic snitch...bailing at the first chance!

He would deal with her once he was done with this.

He kept staring at her, as she mistakenly met his gaze and squirmed in discomfort.

'Oh'...he suppressed a menacing smile, digging into the wood while gritting his teeth.

He would definitely crave a grin on her face if he hadn't.

She didn't have the guts to look at him, yet was so sneakily stabbing him in the back. 

She should just wait for what he was about to do.

Just wait!

The judge then asked Sila to step down, and she simply walked passed him without sparing him another look. He kept hotly glaring in her direction until she sat down. 

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