Chapter OnE

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It is a time near Christmas.Zayn was sitting in a crowded high end club wearing a nice black suit at a bar drinking whiskey and talking to himself"keep calm Zayn and don't look for a reason to runaway" he chuckled weakly drinking.

"Zayn"? A handsome man in brown blazer suit asked him smiling.
He spun in his chair and looked at him.

"Umm I'm Dr Ben Winston" he introduced himself to zayn shaking his hand.
"Sorry I'm late surgery ran long."Ben said smiling slightly.

"All good;nice to finally meet you" he said returning the smile.

"same" Ben said nodding slightly continuing talking"Umm I know we said drinks, but should we grab a table?

Zayn smiled surprised but nodding in agreement.

They walked away from the bar and found a more secluded place in which round tables were placed. They sat on one infront of eachother.
A waiter came to their table
"what would you like to take sir?"
"Uh wine for me we'll decide what to eat a bit later?" he asked looking at Ben.

"Oh yeah of course and same wine for me too" Ben said to the waiter who took their order and went and came back with wine glasses for them each and they started talking.

"most people think a tonsillectomy is just for when you're young, but a lot of adults have'em, too".ben said during their conversation.
"is that so? " zayn said drinking his wine,lifting his eyebrows and trying to sound enthusiastic.
"it is, So,zayn your profile said you're a business manager? Ben asked.

"Vague I know, Uh basically I help high net worth clients manage their money and assets and guide them to, hopefully, make prudent decisions. Right now, I'm trying to convince one client not to buy a social media company. He said smiling but his attention got carried away to the kids giggling loudly on the table beside him.

"kids are so cute at that age" Ben said

'Hmm?' zayn asked not listened to what Ben said before.
'Ah. Don't mind me, I'm kid-crazy right now. My brother and his wife just had twins back in August. My first time being an uncle. ' Ben said smiling big.

Aww! Zayn said Scrunching his nose and smiling awkwardly drinking.

'Wanna see pictures of em? ' Ben asked while taking his phone out not noticing the expressions on Zayn's face.

'OH,no,that's okay. I-' but Ben interupted him mid sentence and put his phone infront of him showing baby pictures of the kids.'
Oh, yes there they are- yeah there are two of 'em'. Zayn said Smiling awkwardly still.
'Leah and chloe, they live in Portland. I can't wait to see them for Christmas. Makes me want to have twins when I get married'. Ben said oblivious to the color change on Zayn's face who is still smiling but painfully now.

"check?" zayn whispers and mouthed the words and gestures discreetly to the waiter passing by.

'Do you have any nieces or nephews?' Ben asked still in his zone.
"hmm?" zayn whipped his face back and said with his lips pressed tightly in a thin line while folding his hands tightly on his lap.
"Uh, yes one of each. One of each. Sam and zaneyah. They live with my sister and brother-in-law in Brayden." He said answering Ben smiling widely.
'That's not too far away. You must see them all the time.' Ben asked continuing the conversation.

"not really. Being self employed means working 24/7. You know'(he chuckles weirdly)', plus, I find the suburbs confusing with all the peace and quiet and lawn gnomes infront of the identical houses. It's...''.he said with wincing expressions but Ben cuts him off and asked.
"will you see them for Christmas?"

"No! Heh-heh!" Zayn laugh nervously. "I will be on a plane to Hawaii in T-minus 22 hours and four minutes" he said looking at his watch.
'it's my first attempt at relaxation in longer than I care to admit, because... Well, it'll just depress me."
Ben looked at him wide eyed and asked him unbelievably with confusion.

"wait. You're going to Hawaii for Christmas?"
'That's right's'. Zayn said innocently smiling and nodding.
"without your family? " ben asked again.

'yes.' Zayn said still smiling and nodding.
Ben looked at him weirdly for some time then gestured the waiter to the table when Zayn's mobile pinged with a message notification and he saw the message of his friend Louis asking him about how his date is going. Zayn was busy thinking how to reply to his friend that when he saw a waiter standing on their table with the check and he stared at both Ben and waiter with month wide open in surprise but in the end he just gave a biggest awkward smile to Ben and left the club after paying for his drinks.

It doesn't feel like a zarry story from this chapter but it's just a start of the beautiful journey ahead...aha

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