"She's okay?" I heard the soft voice of King Eamon ask.

"She is, but she's still sleeping," Amelia said, leading them in the opposite direction.

"What do I do?" Edmond asked.

"Find Abigail!"

"Okay. Abigail." He turned to leave when Phil walked in. "Oh, Phil. Do you know Abigail?"

I could hear Phil's groan as they turned to leave the clinic. I pet Reuben's head as Doctor Pine and her nurses worked furiously to salvage his paws and get his body back to the way it should be. 

Poor boy. Diana said, standing next to me.

Do you think he'll be okay? I asked.

I don't know. He has doctors with him so hopefully. I don't think this was just from running.

What? I asked.

She pointed toward his neck. A tiny dart, almost the same color as his fur, stuck out of his skin. I glanced at Diana and she nodded.

"Doctor Pine, do you have more of the antivenom?" I asked.

"What? Why?"

"There's a dart in his neck."

"Oh! Okay. Cecilia, there is a new batch of it in the fridge in lab 3. Please get it."

"Of course," the girl said, scurrying off.

"Is he going to be okay?"

"Now that we know what's wrong, yes. We'll give him the antivenom and try to keep him from shifting back for a while to give his body time to heal."

I nodded as Abigail ran down the corridor. "Reuben!"

She stopped near us, clasping her hands to her mouth. 

"Abigail, he's okay."

"Wh-what happened?"

"He ran too hard and he was hit with one of the venomous darts," Doctor Pine said. "I'm administering the antivenom which will reverse the effects of the venom on his body."

She injected the liquid into one of his veins and turned her attention to his paws.

"He's still wolf!"

"It's what's saving him. His wolf won't let him shift back to human. He's stronger in this form."

She nodded, tears pouring from her eyes.

"You take over for me. He likes having his head pat and his ear scratched. Okay?"

She nodded her head again and stepped forward. I hugged her tightly.

"Thank you," she whispered. "For everything."

"No need to thank me. He's an incredible young man."

She bent over, whispering in his ear while stroking the red fur on his head.

"What now?" Edmond asked as I stepped back.

"Let's check on Kallisto. I think they have things under control here."

We went to the other side of the clinic where the tiny Faerie King and Queen stood beside their tiny daughter. Queen Lyra dug out a piece of paper from a satchel on her side and handed it to me.

"I know you've been helping and are the reason my daughter is alive. Can you do one more thing for her?"

I looked at the little paper, it was a list of flowers. "Of course."

"While the venom is gone from her body, she can't survive on what you have here. The nectar from those flowers will help her heal a lot faster. Please, can you get them?"

"Yes. I'll be back in a little bit."

"Thank you," King Eamon said, kneeling beside his daughter and grasping her hand.

"Do you want help?" Edmond asked.

"Yeah, because I don't know what these all look like."

He took the list from me as we left the area. "Let's go to the library really quick.  I remember seeing a book about the plant life in the kingdom."

Most everyone from the castle was crowded around the little clinic door so the library was completely abandoned. It didn't take him long to find the book. It was a lot thicker than I thought it would be.

"Here it is. It lists all of the plant life in the kingdom and where to find it."

"That's a handy guide." I pulled out the paper that Queen Lyra gave me and the paper from Amelia fell out. 

I can kill two birds with one stone.

"Are you giving the potion to Harmony?" he asked.

"I can at least gather the ingredients and let her decide."

We left the castle and headed for the first flower. One that I did recognize. One that I actually loved picking. 

The Moonstone Bloom.

It was a beautiful red and white flower that bloomed near the far corner of the lake. The delicate petals shimmer like the moonstone gemstone after which it is named. It has an enchanting fragrance and apparently tastes good to Faeries. I also knew that one of the ingredients needed for Harmony's potion was close to where those flowers bloomed. 

Midnight Nightshade.

The flower was a beautiful purple, very close to Wolfsbane. The alluring fragrance was misleading. It contains poisonous substances that could cause harm to anyone who consumes it and the midnight nightshade was only located in one place. One place I didn't know how to get to.

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