Chapter 13

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Wooyoung's PoV:

Whilst everyone was out on a mission, my job was to look after a Joongie who decided he wanted to play hide and seek. I have looked nearly everywhere and I cannot find that little rascal. As I walk past Seonghwa's office I hear a little laugh come from there so I go in and find Joongie hiding under the desk. I go to pick him up and he immediately clings on to me.

"Come on then little one, let's get you bathed"

He giggles in response.

I head to the bathroom and start running a bath.

"Ok, what flavour bubbles do you want?"

He points to the vanilla.

"You want vanilla"


"I'll take that as a yes then" I snickered at how adorable he was. I poured the bubbles into the tub, turned off the tap, undressed Joongie and put him in the tub.

I watched as Joongie tried to eat the bubbles.

"Ah ah ah Joongie, you don't eat bubbles"


"Well I know they smell tasty but they are not edible"

"*Angry babbles*"

"Joongie, I am sorry but bubbles are not food"

"*whimpering/whining babbles*"

"Joongie, come on let me clean you and then you can have a snack before bed"

Joongie just stares at me with teary eyes, I start cleaning him, once I am done I take him out of the bath and take him to the changing room. Once I get there, I lay Joongie on the changing table and at that action he starts to wiggle around and cry. I am finally done with his diaper so I get him a onesie and dress him in to the onesie.

After the whole bath and changing time scenario, I pick him up and place him on my hip and take him downstairs and we head into the kitchen. I place him in his high chair and then go to get him a snack as well as a warm bottle of milk. I then go to him and give him a snack.

When he finishes his snack, I take him out of his high chair and then I walk in to the living room and turn on the tv, I then place him on my lap and start feeding him his bottle, once he finished his bottle we sit there and just watch some tv.

We watch tv for about an hour until I hear tony snores, I look over to Joongie sleeping with his thumb in his mouth, I remove his thumb from his mouth and replace it with a paci, I then go to pick him up to take him to his room.

When we get there I lay Joongie down in his crib and tuck him in I then kiss him a goodnight on his forehead I then hear the rest of the members enter loudly, I head downstairs.

"Hey, shut you asses up, the baby is asleep"

After my little outburst they apologise instantly and retreat to bed.

I turn off the tv then I retreat to my bedroom to get ready for bed and sleep.

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