Chapter 9

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Very short chapter, sorry

Seonghwa's PoV:

After a week, Joongie's punishment was finally over, he took his punishment like a good boy and was now free of his punishment, however at the moment he doesn't like me because I was mean so he is now clinging on to his papa (Jongho if you don't remember) for dear life.

It was time for Joongie's bed time so I went over to Jongho to take him out of his aching arms.

"Come on Joongie time for bed"

"Nuuuuu, I nu wi'e you, 'o 'way, wea'e me 'wone ( Noooo, i no like you, go away, leave me alone)"

"Come on Joongie" I take him out of Jongho's arms and he starts thrashing and crying and making grabby hands at his papa, I take him upstairs to my room and I start calming him down. After he stopped his little tantrum, I lay him down under the covers of my bed, I then quickly get ready for bed and join him.

We hug for a while until we fall asleep.

Note: Joongie was already in his pjs and ready for bed when this scene happened

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