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If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember what you said. A fine saying, one that everyone should live by.

On a good day, Bellingham would agree with this. The past few days haven't been good.

You'd think being called a plonker is a harmless lie, something you'd forget. Not in this case though. The white lies eventually will turn into a giant snowball and then a whole avalanche. He wanted to set things straight before they caught up with him.

He paced around his living room, waiting for the other side to pick up.

"Hey." Haaland answered.
"Hey. Mind if I come over?"
"Sure. When?"
"I'll be there in half an hour."

Bellingham hung up, hastily putting on his shoes. Before leaving the apartment, he remembered he should probably inform his poor mother about his whereabouts. He messily scribbled down a note and left it on the kitchen counter.

He grabbed his car keys and stormed out, almost forgetting to lock the door in the process.

Usually his radio was always on when he drove, but today was different. He needed peace and tranquility to think some things over.

First of all, Reus and Hummels may have been right. Actually, they were right. Bellingham saw his teammate in a different light. A red tinted light, at that.

Second of all, he knew he wanted to get some things off his chest. He wasn't sure how far he should go though. He could either hint at it, or be completely blunt.

Third and most important of all, he wanted to say sorry.

His string of thought had to come to an end, he was reaching his destination.

Haaland's complex was.. complex. He hasn't been to his apartment yet, but from what he's heard from Gio, it had too many floors and too many hallways.

Bellingham parked his car near the apartment. The building was huge, it was difficult to even find a place to park.

Haaland lived on the 13th floor, but Bellingham needed more time to think. He took the stairs.


Haaland patiently waited for his friend's arrival. He was running a tad bit late, for some reason. As Haaland contemplated whether he should call him or not, he heard a knock. And then the bell and then another knock.

"Coming, be patient!" Haaland opened the door, only to be met with a breathless Bellingham.

"You alright?" Bellingham shook his head.

"You do know there's an elevator here right?" Bellingham nodded.

"Well anyways, come inside." Haaland moved aside, welcoming his friend to his humble abode.

Bellingham stepped inside, but was quickly interrupted.

"Do you have no manners? Shoes off. You can leave them by Reyna's slippers." Haaland received a puzzled look from Bellingham.

"What are his slippers doing here?"
"He's here so often that he has his own reserved pair of slippers. He's here more than he is in his own home."

He decided to ignore the slipper story, taking his shoes off and following Haaland to his living room.

"Do you want something to drink?"
"Literally anything." Bellingham said, still hating himself for taking the stairs.

Bellingham and HaalandWhere stories live. Discover now