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Dortmund ended the season with a bang, winning the previously mentioned match against Leverkusen, 3-1. They wouldn't be playing another match for another month or so. Most of the team hoped to spend this time resting, or with their families.

Edin had other plans. He arranged a team building activity, they were going fishing, of all things.

He emphasized that this activity was mandatory for everyone. It was met with mixed feelings from the team, to say the least.


It seemed that Haaland was the only one looking forward to the fishing trip. He woke up at 5 AM and packed his bag, because they were spending the whole day at a nearby lake.

He checked his phone to see if there were any changes to the plan. Instead, he was greeted with a message from Giovanni.



I am passing by your apartment do u want me to pick u up?


where are u

I'll be there in 5 minutes

Haaland didn't exactly plan to be accompanied by anybody, but he didn't mind this outcome. Never a dull moment with Reyna.

After a bit of waiting, Reyna arrived in front of Haaland's apartment complex.

"Good morning." Gio greeted Erling with a smile.

He got in Gio's car and buckled his seatbelt. Erling didn't completely trust Gio with handling a vehicle.

"Yeah, good morning to you too."

"Did you have a good night's sleep?" Gio asked.

"I always sleep well." Before he could return the question, Reyna interrupted him.

"So anyways.."
"How was lunch yesterday? Heard you had some company." Haaland was not surprised this information has already reached him, he could see him smiling from the corner of his eye.


"Oh no, I'm not letting you get away with this. Don't spare me the details." Gio scolded him.

Haaland shrugged. "What is there to say? We ate lunch."

"Go on.." Gio was eager to know the full story.

"What? I don't know what else you want from me."

Gio grew frustrated. "Fine, keep your secrets."

A small smile emerged from Haaland's lips.

The rest of the car ride was spent discussing things that weren't Haaland and Bellingham's lunch date, thankfully.

They were one of the first to arrive, after Edin, of course.

The first thing they spotted was the boat behind Edin.

Haaland took a moment to take everything in. "Lovely boat."
Edin rented a boat for the day.

"She's a beauty, isn't she?" Edin said, looking at the boat as if he were looking at his own child.

"It's fine. I have been on bigger boats." Reyna rained on the parade.

Haaland elbowed Reyna.

They waited for 30 minutes, but half the team didn't arrive. Some called in sick, some didn't say anything. Edin was frustrated, but this wasn't unexpected.

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