OO1 | Shadow of Twilight

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The pale moonlight shines softly over the Land of Dawn, when a gust of strong wind was heard somewhere around the dim forest.

A pair of large bat wings flaps slowly as his feet touched the ground.

"Are you alright, my love?"

The silver-haired lady took a deep breath and nodded with her half-lidded crimson eyes, "I'm okay, just... tired."

He gently placed her down with her back on a tree to let her rest for a bit and looked around to check the area.

"I think we're safe here, for now."

The blood demon lovers, Carmilla and Cecilion, are on the constant run. From the pursuers of Castle Aberleen ordered by Carmilla's father, Earl Ansaac, and from the queen of the Abyss herself, Alice.

Aside from that, with Carmilla's thirst for blood, they need to flew all the way to the outskirts of the Abyss, the land of Kostove, where a bunch of Night Flowers bloom to cure Carmilla's insatiable pain.

Cecilion raised his wand towards the demons dashing towards them, he blasted those ugly creatures and was eliminated. However, the shock caused Cecilion to retreat backwards too.

More and more demons kept pouring in and went after them. Unlike Cecilion, Carmilla haven't completely get to adjust in her new identity and doesn't know how to use her powers as a blood demon. So, the only thing she can do for now is to stay close to him.

They ended up being cornered of numerous demons in the area, and Cecilion is getting weak from fighting demons here and there.

"Maybe we will die here..." Cecilion said as he shielded Carmilla with his own body.

Carmilla looked down at the Night Flowers, they bloomed rampantly as if they are whispering to her, calling out to her.

"We may die someday, but not today, and not here."

She pushed Cecilion away and leaped into the Night Flowers. Its thorns pierced through her skin, watering the flowers with her blood coming out from her wounds. Its petals became more and more striking and it intergrated to Carmilla as one.

With the tension of power building up, the sky was filled with sparkling bloody mist that made the demons retreat.

Carmilla felt the joy of ascension. They no longer needed the seeds of the flower, because she herself bloomed as a Night Flower.

The place fell into silence with only the two of them remain, she smiled when she saw Cecilion but the overwhelming power made her lost her conscious.

"Carmilla!" He rushed to his lover and scooped her in his arms.

Cecilion looked to check her wounds, worried that the cuts made by the Night Flowers' thorns badly injured her.

But he is surprised to see that her cuts and wounds was slowly disappearing, as if she was healing on her own. He caressed the parts where some of her wounds was to make sure they were gone.

He picked Carmilla up in his arms with his remaining strength and quickly flew away from Kostove before the news of them being in Abyss could even reach Alice.

And now, here they are, unsure of where they landed. But Cecilion knows they are in a safe distance away from the Abyss.

Cecilion leaned down to face his exhausted lover then gently caressed her pale face, remembering the cuts and wounds she had earlier, "Are you sure you're okay? Just tell me where it hurts."

"I'm completely... fine..."

The sudden realization hits Carmilla, she clearly remembers jumping into the Night Flowers and going through its painful thorns all over her body, she's sure she had deep cuts from it.

After she regained her conscious upon arriving in the forest, she doesn't feel any pain, just tired from the outburst she had earlier.

Carmilla checked her body to see if she still had the cuts just to see the growing thorns in her arms, "Its the Night Flower."

It is one of the blood demons power to heal themselves, but it would take them a while to fully recover.

But with Carmilla being one with the Night Flower, she can heal herself much faster compare to other blood demons.

Carmilla gently placed her hands on some of the bruises Cecilion had from fighting the demons in Kostove earlier and concentrates about healing him, hoping it would work.

"So this is what the Night Flower healing feels like." He sighed in relief as he felt the soothing feeling.

As Cecilion is enjoying the feeling, Carmilla suddenly collapsed in his arms.

"Love, are you okay?"

She gave him a tired smile, "I didn't know this can be tiring, I still need to get used with my powers."

Cecilion gently caressed her lovers cheek, "You need to rest well, my love. We need to find a place where you can be comfortable, hmm?"

Carmilla nods and slightly pressed her cheek to his palm.

He smiled with his girl's reaction but his smile quickly turned serious when he felt someone watching them.

Cecilion placed Carmilla back on the tree and then stood up, but was stopped when he suddenly felt a presence behind him.

"Do not make a single move, demon."

A thin but a sharp shiny sword is pointed behind Cecilion's head.

The person behind him was incredibly fast, Cecilion did not have enough time to react. He was no match in the mysterious person in terms of speed.

Carmilla tries to open her eyes and through her blurry vision, she could see someone is behind Cecilion. The figure was very familiar to her, but she couldn't make it out who was it.

"What do you want?" Cecilion asked, trying to buy time to think.

The person stepped closer to him, "Demons like you should be perished, great timing because my sword thirst for blood."

Carmilla's eyes widened when she realized who owns that voice and used all her strength to reached up to stop him before its too late.


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Introducing my main hero, Carmilla (and Cecilion)!

Not many players play Carmilla or takes interest on their lore, that's why I decided to come up with this headcanon story.

I suggest you read Carmilla and Cecilion's lore and side stories that can be found in MLBB's official website if you have no idea what their background stories are.

Also, the flashback is based on Carmilla's side story "Night Flower".

Hope you enjoyed this, stay peachy! ♡

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