The Painting

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Principal: So, Mr. and Mrs. Watterson. I called you in today to discuss concerns regarding your daughter Anais. Judging by this alarming painting... [Camera points to Nicole in the painting] You madam are suffering from work-related stress. [Camera switches to Richard in the painting] You sir, are not a good role model. [Camera pans to Gumball and Darwin in the painting] And these two children are clearly lacking in discipline. [Camera pans to Y/N and Ariana in the painting] Your eldest children, the twins, are the best ones but, the boy has a bit of a swearing problem while the girl has a little bit of clumsiness problem, a little bit of meek sometimes, and has swearing like her brother.

The shot of the Wattersons, all of them acting out exactly what the painting depicts.

Gumball & Darwin: Hahaa!

Y/N: Ow! Fuck! Hey! Guys! Shit!Ow! Guys, fucking stop! OUCH!

He gets hit by Nicole in the head to shut him up. Ariana fell off of her chair then she tries to adjust the chair properly. As she sat down, she again slips.

Nicole: Kids calm down, please! [crashing]

Principal: When I look at this painting I see a family that-

He then paused to glare at Gumball and Darwin, who are mockingly copying him.

Principal: Principal Brown, if I may interrupt-

Anais: Principal Brown, if I may interrupt-

Principal: [strokes Anais' head] Oh don't worry sweetie, it's not your fault... It's your fault! [points accusingly at Richard, who's fast asleep]

Richard: [in his sleep] I'm sorry Princess Cheesecake, the Sausage Fairy made me do it. [snores]

Nicole: Sweetie, I had no idea we were such a terrible family.

Gumball and Darwin slide along Principal Brown's desk, giggling.

Nicole: Boys please!

Principal: Anyway, for the good of your family... [raises a poster] I've drawn up a recovery schedule to get you back on track-

Gumball and Darwin burst through the poster.

Y/N: (Sighs) Now we have to pay for that idiots.

Ariana: (To Principal Brown, nervously chuckles) Hehe, sorry about my brothers.

Principal: I'll make it short. You madam need to stop working and relax. Your husband needs to stop relaxing and work. Y/N needs to watch his mouth. Ariana needs stop being clumsy and needs some overcome her anxiety by seeking therapy. As for you, Gumball and Darwin...

The boys both gasp as they think they're in trouble.

Principal: You'll be spending the day with Mr. Small, the school counselor, to channel your energy in a less destructive way.

Nicole: Well Principal, we'd be happy to try anything if you think it's going to help Anais.

Anais: [frustrated] Can I just say something?

Nicole: [cuts Anais' speech short and pinches her cheek] You don't need to sweetie! We're all going to get better. Right kids?

Ariana: (Smiles) Yes.

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