Parts Sho Left out (1)

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Sho omitted this from the story due to the fact he didn't want to mention it. Being the narrator, I'll tell it on his behalf. Thank You.


Sho lunged from where he was while Hinata tried to stab him viciously. With {Legendary Martial Artist} on, He dodged it with Cartwheels, Summersaults, Any slur of random knowledge he gained from this skill. She was lightning fast but Sho was faster. After the barrage of dodging, Sho realized that he was feeling some sort of a pain in his shoulder. He looked to see his clothes were cut at that area. He started realizing she was adapting to his speed. Sho backed away immediately.

Sho didn't get mad or sad about it however. He felt... Happy?

Voice: You have taken Spiritual Damage. It bypasses Pain Nullification.

Sho: Holy Hell! You actually made me feel pain! Haha!

Hinata looked at him strangely.

Sho: It's the first time I've finally felt human again! Mortal! Thank you for that! Yet, I'm sorry I must do this...

Sho ended up cracking his mask by using his magicules to break it. Now that it was slightly broken, He had unleashed all of his magicules in a radius of 5 feet. If anything touched that radius, They would most likely be crushed by the pressure he was giving out. He ran towards Hinata and as soon as she was 5 feet near him, She had looked the exact same. Sho attacked this time, hitting her in multiple pressure points only for her armor to negate it.

Hinata seemed slower with that, As if the aura around Sho was slowing her down like weights.

Hinata: Why do you fight? Why do you persist?

Sho: For my Friends! For my family! For everyone I care about!

Hinata looked like she had just realized something before suddenly smiling.

Hinata: I'm sorry, But I can't allow you to go and exist! Dead End Rainbow!

A blast of the color spectrum hit Sho, Sending him flying into the ground. The damage he took burned him and made him feel pain, making him a little bit happy but in unbelievable agony. He got back up and stared Hinata down.

Sho: I really like you, Hinata! You really are strong!

Sho spread his magicules everywhere around the field and in an instant, they all rubbed against each other until a black fire started. Hundreds of instances of them appeared.

Sho: Field of Hellfire.

The fire spread across the field as it was horribly melting part of Hinata's sword. While it was still somewhat a sword, Hinata used {Dead End Rainbow} many times to remove the fire. Once it all was gone, Hinata's sword was a clump of melted metal. She threw it away as she charged towards Sho. They both used martial arts but Sho was more skilled. Hinata kept adapting to his style, landing a few hits every now and then. He grabbed Hinata's now ruined sword and used his magicules to fix it. He tried to attack her with it but, In a flash the sword disappeared from his hands to hers.

Sho: You used a skill didn't you.

Hinata smiled at Sho while he kindly returned it.

Hinata: That's Right. The Unique Skill {Usurper}.

Sho jumped up and down like an excited child.

Sho: You keep giving me reasons to like you more and more. Well, I guess it's time to pull out my greatest trump card. Surely you didn't think my little brother was the only one using gluttony.

In a puff of smoke, a giant amalgam fixed of Spirits, Monsters, A Dragon, Sharks, and even Golem was in his place. His eyes were still glaring yellow, Indicating he still was using {Legendary Martial Artist}.

Hinata: I see you've lost your intelligence. I'll put you out of your misery.

She summoned multiple spirits only for Sho's many mouths to open, Swallowing them with Gluttony. She proceeded to use {Dead End Rainbow} on Sho a Dozen times for him to open his mouths and swallow it with Gluttony. Sho, in his monstrous form uttered a sentence.

Sho: Sinful Skill: Spiritual Death Rainbow.

All his mouths gaped wide open as a horrifically massive wave of rainbow blasted where Hinata was standing. She tried to deflect it, leading to success. Her sword however was once again melted from that and her hands were burned. Out of her coat, she pulled out a potion and began to drink it. When she finished, her hands healed immediately. She tried to attack Sho with her fist but he was much more fast and strong in this form.

In a matter of seconds she had succumbed to Sho's superior Strength, Speed, and Combat Knowledge. However, she kept getting up. Sho continued to battle her for 5 to 10 more minutes before he was starting to realize that she was never going to give up. As long as she had something to keep fighting for, she would keep going. The waves of attacks were endless.

Both of them were fighting for something and wanted to make sure that the other would give up. Because even though Hinata didn't want to admit it, She didn't want to kill Sho. Nor did Sho ever want to kill her.

Hinata: Give Up!

Sho: I can't give up! You need to leave!

The endless barrages were deteriorating both of them. Sho had reverted to human form and Hinata was weak. Both of them were immaculately tired.

Sho: Please give up...

Hinata: I will never give in to you, Monster...

They both were incredibly slow and were extremely damaged.

Voice: Sho, You can turn some magicules into stamina. Say the word and I'll do it.

Sho: Yes. Do it.

In a instant, a hundred of his magicules converted into stamina. He had regained half of his energy, much to the dismay of Hinata. Sho looked at her. She was highly damaged. One good hit from him now would kill her. In that instant, he looked at Hinata and dodged one of her slow attacks. He leaned into her and kissed her.

As soon as he locked lips with her, she seemed shocked until she slowly fell unconscious. At the moment Sho regained his stamina, he changed his saliva into a sleep venom. The way he chose to administer it was by kissing Hinata. If you're wondering, THIS was the reason he omitted his battle from the story.

Once Hinata was unconscious, He fixed her sword again and left her near civilization while feeding her a 99% heal potion. Before Sho left her, he stared at her before chuckling.

Sho: My knight in shining armor. Alright, time to get going.

Voice: May I note that you have fulfilled one of two requirements to evo-

Sho: Shut it Voice! I need to save everyone!

He left to get back to tempest to hopefully save his nation and brother before it's too late

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