Demon Aura

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Me and Fang were sitting down on a cliff. We were both silent as we were waiting for someone to say something. I ended up breaking the silence.

Sho: Do you hate me? For threatening your people like that?

Fang: No. I respect you for it. You had the will to do what needed to be done. You are fit to help lead this nation with Rimuru.

Sho: Thanks. How have those magicules settled in yet?

Fang: Very Well. You have many magicules so the process was very painful. But I managed to survive and take you here.

I patted his head in praise.

Sho: You did a good thing. Thanks Fang.

Fang: I have a question if I can ask it.

Sho: Sure. Go for it

Fang: How could you use all your magicules on me?

I was silent for a moment until I answered.

Sho: I felt greatness in you. I didn't want to see you die and waste it. Besides I'll regenerate all of them in a few months.

I felt at peace with Fang at that moment. That was when Rimuru appeared right behind me in human form. I did know he was there, I just didn't care to much.

Sho: Hey little brother.

Rimuru punched me when I said that. I punched him right back.

Rimuru: I need to talk to you. In private.

Sho: Alright. Fang, Go to the village. I'll be with my brother.

Fang nodded to me and ran into the village. Rimuru sat down with me and handed me a mask. It was white but when I touched it, it turned black and red.

Rimuru: How did you do that?

Sho: Just fits my aesthetic. Whats it for?

Rimuru: I realized that you have a ridiculous amount of magicules. Containing them feels heavy. So this mask can help with that.

I looked at the mask and then finally released my aura. Once I did, The ground slowly cracked and some things began to float as a minuscule amount of destruction raged around me. Even Rimuru was a little scared.

Rimuru: This was what you were containing this whole time?!

Sho: Yeah. If you regenerate more than 100 trillion magicules a millisecond, it's going to be pretty big. It feels really nice too. Just letting loose.

I put the mask on and my aura dissipated into my body. The environment turned back to normal.

Sho: Feels better. Thanks.

Rimuru: That was even worse than my aura when we got here Sho! We probably notified someone to come here!

I looked at Rimuru with an eyebrow raise.

Sho: Rimuru, I may look human. I may have been out for a few days. and I may look like a child. But I am still a True Dragon. Like, look at that tree over there.

Rimuru looked at the mentioned tree and I used {Lightning Erasure}. The tree was gone instantly with only one spec of ash in its place. The look on Rimuru's face was priceless too. It's like he was trying to feel fear but was just shocked.

Sho: That cost 1 million magicules. I literally regenerated more than that in a millisecond.

Rimuru looked at me, like he was trying to understand where I was going with this.

Sho: I can assure you, If anyone decides to fight you or anyone here, They gotta fight me too.

Rimuru: Why? You know I can fight for myself.

Sho: Then do what I just did. Do {Lightning Erasure} right now. Send your magicules to the sky, Manipulate them to move along with the clouds, Change the weather, Grab all the built up electricity with the magicules, And crash it all down on a target.

Rimuru looked at me like I was using calculations no one even knew about.

Sho: I'm gonna be clear. I literally had no one to care about in my past life. This life, I finally have that. So I'm not having it ripped away from me in a flash.

I put my hand on Rimuru's shoulder.

Sho: We may not be born from the same mother since we just spawned in this world, But I consider you as my brother. I consider the fact we share the same flesh and blood.

I went and hugged him. I remember being very emotional at that moment. I walked away right after that. I walked into the town and while I was, Little did I know that my aura had become so ridiculously big, It encompassed the entire jura forest. In that timeframe I let it go, The forest felt an incredible amount of fear.

In that timeframe, I had gotten the attention of a few people. People who'd want to kill me. I didn't know much of it at the time. I just went to the village so I could tell them it was me who was responsible for the aura. It was shocking since no one actually knew about my skill {Ungodly Magicule Abomination} besides Rimuru.

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