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Sho: You can't see? That seems... Very detrimental.

Satoru: Just very detrimental?

Sho: What do you want me to say? It's on the oxygen deficiency level?

Satoru: Well it's not like you can see either.

Sho: I actually can. Quite easily.

Satoru: Really? Then what are you?

Sho: A True Dragon.

Right after I said that, A voice boomed across the room.

???: Who dares call themself a True Dragon?

I remained halfway unfazed as I was practically immortal. It still scared me since in was so sudden and a deep voice. Satoru moved around in fear.

Sho: Me?

???: Come, Little one.

I walked to where the voice was while I picked up Satoru and put him on my back.

Satoru: I'm sure this is a trap for us to die.

Sho: Possible, but I doubt I can die with my abilities.

Satoru: What about me?!

Sho: I'll protect you.

I walked up to where the voice had come from, as I was only a few feet away.

Satoru: What do you think that guy was?

Sho: It's possibly a dungeon boss sorta guy.

Once I finally reached those few feet, a blue light struck my eyes.

Sho: Yep. It's looking like it. Even though this light is BLINDING MY EYES!

Satoru: Ha! It's not fun having eyes!

Sho: Shut up!

I pressed on to finally see the blue light radiating from a barrier. The barrier contained an even greater dragon than me from within. I was immaculately scared. It felt like this... Being could actually kill me.

???: So you are the true dragon. This must be your friend. It seems you wish to court death using our name.

Sho: But I am one! My friend can't even see!

I then started to whisper.

Sho: Satoru, he's a giant dragon.

Satoru: What?!

The dragon looked at me. He looked at me very carefully while Satoru was still trying to accept there was a dragon before him.

???: Slime. Would you please appraise him?

Satoru: S-Sure.

Satoru touched my head and looked amazingly shocked.

Satoru: This is just ridiculous! What is the ultimate skill {Shadow Dragon: Shōmetsu}?!

The dragon if front of me was a little taken aback but looked at Shō once more.

???: Another True Dragon has been born? Next to me of all places?

The dragon slowly began to laugh while me and Satoru were a little confused.

???: Hello Little Brother. Allow me to formally introduce myself. I'm your Older Brother, Veldora, The Storm Dragon.

Sho: I'm related to you?

Satoru: You're related to him?

I looked at myself. Black scales, Gray chest, and Horns. I could see the clear relation.

Sho: Yep. I can definitely see it. But I need you to do something for me. My friend can't see. He's practically like a baby straight from birth. Can't do much.

Veldora: Well, If your friend will agree to not fear me, He just needs to sense the magic around him.

Satoru: Of course I won't fear a giant dragon.

Satoru tried to sense the magic around him. In a matter of seconds, he started jumping and saying he could actually see. He then turned to Me and Veldora

Satoru: You both look the exact same except one is bigger and cooler and the other has blue eyes and a darker shade of scales!

Sho: Hey!

Veldora seemed to happily take the praise but became serious.

Veldora: Wait just a moment. Slimes are normally low-ranked monsters that don't think but you have self awareness. You were born just a short time ago and can speak perfectly. Are you both Unique?

Satoru: What does "Unique" Mean?

Veldora: It refers to a being with extraordinary abilities.

Sho: We're not really sure. The thing is, we used to be humans. But I got ran over and he got stabbed and died. Afterwards, we looked like this

Veldora: I see. So you were reincarnated.

Satoru: Reincarnated... So we were really reborn?

Veldora: You came into this world in a unusual way.

Sho: Unusual? How so?

Veldora: There are occasionally those who travel from other worlds but you are the first I've known to be reincarnated here. Most wound be unable to withstand having only their soul traverse worlds

Sho: So others came here, but not through reincarnation? Like summoning?

Veldora: Exactly like that. We call them Otherworlders. I've heard they get special abilities when they cross over.

Sho: So that's why I'm so powerful. Well, maybe we can find these otherworlders.

Satoru: Yeah. It's worth a shot.

Veldora: You're already leaving?

Veldora looked like he was pouting.

Satoru/Sho: You're pouting?!

Sho: It's fine! We can stay here for a bit.

I looked closer at what Veldora was in.

Sho: So... You seem to be trapped in there.

Veldora: Yes! I'm glad you asked that. I've been here for 300 years. I sort of turned a town into ashes by mistake. So someone came looking to slay me. She didn't succeed so they trapped me here. In this Infinite Imprisonment. She was incredibly powerful. She called herself a summon.

Sho: So a human trapped you?

Veldora: Yes and I've never been so bored.

Satoru: I've been pretty damn bored just because I've never had a girlfriend in 37 years. I can't imagine 300.

Sho: Hey! I got an idea! Why don't we all become friends!

Veldora: What?! A mere slime and infant proposes friendship with me, the feared storm dragon?!

Sho: Hey man, Just cause we're family doesn't mean we won't leave.

Veldora: Fool! No one said I didn't want to!

Sho: See? Now you're being a Tsundere.

Veldora: And what would that be?!

Me and Satoru went silent for a moment while we looked at each other and back to Veldora

Satoru: ...Don't worry about it. You can either take friends or leave friends.

Veldora: Well fine. I will be friends with a slime and the 5th True Dragon.

Satoru: I feel like this is the start to a beautiful friendship.

Veldora reached his claw to Satoru and Me. I gave it a fist bump while Satoru touched his claw with his... body? Newly formed hands? Slime? Eh. Same difference.

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